Daniele Sluijters 7a35ea0355 apt::setting: Remove file_perms.
This was a great idea but is pretty pointless. It's also not being used
by anything and not exposed as a switch on the main class so it would
almost never affect any behaviour.
2015-03-02 20:37:01 +01:00

69 lines
1.6 KiB

define apt::setting (
$priority = 50,
$ensure = file,
$source = undef,
$content = undef,
$notify_update = true,
) {
if $content and $source {
fail('apt::setting cannot have both content and source')
if !$content and !$source {
fail('apt::setting needs either of content or source')
validate_re($ensure, ['file', 'present', 'absent'])
$title_array = split($title, '-')
$setting_type = $title_array[0]
$base_name = join(delete_at($title_array, 0), '-')
validate_re($setting_type, ['\Aconf\z', '\Apref\z', '\Alist\z'], "apt::setting resource name/title must start with either 'conf-', 'pref-' or 'list-'")
unless is_integer($priority) {
# need this to allow zero-padded priority.
validate_re($priority, '^\d+$', 'apt::setting priority must be an integer or a zero-padded integer')
if $source {
if $content {
if $setting_type == 'list' {
$_priority = ''
} else {
$_priority = $priority
$_path = $::apt::config_files[$setting_type]['path']
$_ext = $::apt::config_files[$setting_type]['ext']
if $notify_update {
$_notify = Exec['apt_update']
} else {
$_notify = undef
file { "${_path}/${_priority}${base_name}${_ext}":
ensure => $ensure,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
content => $content,
source => $source,
notify => $_notify,
if $notify_update {
anchor { "apt::setting::${name}":
require => Class['apt::update']