Dan Bode a11af502cd added the ability to specify the content of a key
Allows us to pass key_content when we specify a source.
2011-06-03 08:14:56 -07:00

59 lines
1.4 KiB

# source.pp
# add an apt source
define apt::source(
$location = '',
$release = 'karmic',
$repos = 'main',
$include_src = true,
$required_packages = false,
$key = false,
$key_server = '',
$pin = false,
$key_content = false
) {
include apt::params
file { "${name}.list":
name => "${apt::params::root}/sources.list.d/${name}.list",
ensure => file,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 644,
content => template("apt/source.list.erb"),
if $pin != false {
apt::pin { "${release}": priority => "${pin}" }
exec { "${name} apt update":
command => "${apt::params::provider} update",
subscribe => File["${name}.list"],
refreshonly => true,
if $required_packages != false {
exec { "${apt::params::provider} -y install ${required_packages}":
subscribe => File["${name}.list"],
refreshonly => true,
if $key != false {
if $key_content {
exec { "Add key: ${key} from content":
command => "/bin/echo '${key_content}' | /usr/bin/apt-key add -",
unless => "/usr/bin/apt-key list | /bin/grep '${key}'",
before => File["${name}.list"],
} else {
exec { "/usr/bin/apt-key adv --keyserver ${key_server} --recv-keys ${key}":
unless => "/usr/bin/apt-key list | /bin/grep ${key}",
before => File["${name}.list"],