- The default for $proxy_host is undef - apt considers $proxy_set to be absent if $proxy_host is undef - apt::ppa considers proxy_env to be empty if $proxy_host is false or '' This results in apt::ppa to consider $proxy_host to be set when the default undef is used breaking ppa resources because $proxy_env becomes: [http_proxy=http://:8080, https_proxy=http://:8080] Fix this by making both apt and apt::ppa consider $proxy_host to be unset when it is any of false, '', or undef.
83 lines
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83 lines
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# ppa.pp
define apt::ppa(
$ensure = 'present',
$release = $::lsbdistcodename,
$options = $apt::params::ppa_options,
) {
include apt::params
include apt::update
$sources_list_d = $apt::params::sources_list_d
if ! $release {
fail('lsbdistcodename fact not available: release parameter required')
if $::operatingsystem != 'Ubuntu' {
fail('apt::ppa is currently supported on Ubuntu only.')
$filename_without_slashes = regsubst($name, '/', '-', 'G')
$filename_without_dots = regsubst($filename_without_slashes, '\.', '_', 'G')
$filename_without_ppa = regsubst($filename_without_dots, '^ppa:', '', 'G')
$sources_list_d_filename = "${filename_without_ppa}-${release}.list"
if $ensure == 'present' {
$package = $::lsbdistrelease ? {
/^[1-9]\..*|1[01]\..*|12.04$/ => 'python-software-properties',
default => 'software-properties-common',
if ! defined(Package[$package]) {
package { $package: }
if defined(Class[apt]) {
$proxy_host = $apt::proxy_host
$proxy_port = $apt::proxy_port
case $proxy_host {
false, '', undef: {
$proxy_env = []
default: {
$proxy_env = ["http_proxy=http://${proxy_host}:${proxy_port}", "https_proxy=http://${proxy_host}:${proxy_port}"]
} else {
$proxy_env = []
exec { "add-apt-repository-${name}":
environment => $proxy_env,
command => "/usr/bin/add-apt-repository ${options} ${name}",
unless => "/usr/bin/test -s ${sources_list_d}/${sources_list_d_filename}",
user => 'root',
logoutput => 'on_failure',
notify => Exec['apt_update'],
require => [
file { "${sources_list_d}/${sources_list_d_filename}":
ensure => file,
require => Exec["add-apt-repository-${name}"],
else {
file { "${sources_list_d}/${sources_list_d_filename}":
ensure => 'absent',
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
notify => Exec['apt_update'],
# Need anchor to provide containment for dependencies.
anchor { "apt::ppa::${name}":
require => Class['apt::update'],