Nan Liu 666a05dea1 (#11966) apt module containment for apt_update.
The update to separate Exec["apt-get update ${name}"] to single exec in
apt::update class resulted in apt-get update command to be dangled.
Previously if user specified Package['package_a'] <-
Apt::Resource['source_a'], the original refactor would no longer
guarantee apt-get update is executed before the package is installed.
This patch fixes the problem using the anchor resource and ensuring the
old behaviour is maintained and user can depend on apt-get update
command being invoked if they specify dependency on any apt::*
define resource type as well as the apt class.
2012-05-07 15:27:53 -07:00

102 lines
2.7 KiB

# Class: apt
# This module manages the initial configuration of apt.
# Parameters:
# The parameters listed here are not required in general and were
# added for use cases related to development environments.
# disable_keys - disables the requirement for all packages to be signed
# always_apt_update - rather apt should be updated on every run (intended
# for development environments where package updates are frequent
# purge_sources_list - Accepts true or false. Defaults to false If set to
# true, Puppet will purge all unmanaged entries from sources.list"
# purge_sources_list_d - Accepts true or false. Defaults to false. If set
# to false, Puppet will purge all unmanaged entries from sources.list.d
# Actions:
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
# class { 'apt': }
class apt(
$always_apt_update = false,
$disable_keys = undef,
$proxy_host = false,
$proxy_port = '8080',
$purge_sources_list = false,
$purge_sources_list_d = false
) {
include apt::params
include apt::update
validate_bool($purge_sources_list, $purge_sources_list_d)
$sources_list_content = $purge_sources_list ? {
false => undef,
true => "# Repos managed by puppet.\n",
if $always_apt_update == true {
Exec <| title=='apt_update' |> {
refreshonly => false,
$root = $apt::params::root
$apt_conf_d = $apt::params::apt_conf_d
$sources_list_d = $apt::params::sources_list_d
$provider = $apt::params::provider
file { 'sources.list':
ensure => present,
path => "${root}/sources.list",
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => '0644',
content => $sources_list_content,
notify => Exec['apt_update'],
file { 'sources.list.d':
ensure => directory,
path => $sources_list_d,
owner => root,
group => root,
purge => $purge_sources_list_d,
recurse => $purge_sources_list_d,
notify => Exec['apt_update'],
case $disable_keys {
true: {
file { '99unauth':
ensure => present,
content => "APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated 1;\n",
path => "${apt_conf_d}/99unauth",
false: {
file { '99unauth':
ensure => absent,
path => "${apt_conf_d}/99unauth",
undef: { } # do nothing
default: { fail('Valid values for disable_keys are true or false') }
if ($proxy_host) {
file { 'configure-apt-proxy':
path => "${apt_conf_d}/proxy",
content => "Acquire::http::Proxy \"http://${proxy_host}:${proxy_port}\";",
notify => Exec['apt_update'],
# Need anchor to provide containment for dependencies.
anchor { "apt::update":
require => Class['apt::update'],