This allows the galera module and others to write ${::root_home}/.my.cnf
independently from create the mysql user. This is useful for cluster
setups where you want to create ${::root_home}/.my.cnf on every node
but create the user only once.
This conversion is done by Transpec 2.3.6 with the following command:
transpec -f -c "bundle exec rake spec"
* 69 conversions
from: it { should ... }
to: it { ... }
* 48 conversions
from: obj.should
to: expect(obj).to
* 34 conversions
from: == expected
to: eq(expected)
* 4 conversions
from: it { should_not ... }
to: it { is_expected.not_to ... }
* 3 conversions
from: obj.should_not
to: expect(obj).not_to
* 2 conversions
from: lambda { }.should
to: expect { }.to
* 2 conversions
from: pending
to: skip
For more details:
This commit introduces puppet_facts, a gem that allows easier testing
against PE platforms. We're using this gem to automatically parse the
metadata.json and test against appropriate versions of PE on platforms
we support.
We start by only running against centos-6-x86_64 and ubuntu 14.04 on a
regular basis but this is implemented as an ENV so it can be overwritten
by CI systems to test against all PE platforms.
CentOS Project has adopted a new rule for versioning numbers. The major number
matches the RHEL major number, but the minor number is generated from the
release date. For example, CentOS 7.0.1406.
Uses $::operatingsystemmajrelease instead of $::operatingsystemrelease for
avoiding issue like "Comparison of String with 7 failed" for CentOS 7.
Signed-off-by: Gael Chamoulaud <>
Fix acceptance test for bindings to use correct parameter names, when
instantiating mysql::bindings class. Fix client and server dev package names
for couple of distros.
Hardcoded path provided by puppet is now replaced by providing only the final directory as on
most systems includedir is provided by package and it's matter of user to provide it if he
wants to override it. This also allows disabling including at all.
The following error occured:
mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ * FROM `INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE`': Access denied; you need (at least one of) the PROCESS privilege(s) for this operation (1227)
This script could be used to sync backups to a central server, or just
to create a file to let external scripts know that backups are
(sucessfully) done and can be picked up.
The postscript option (defaults to false) and can be either a string or
an array of strings. These strings will be directly put into the and as such can either be shell commands, or externally
managed files.
Some MySQL options need to be passed several times. For example :
This is currently impossible with the override_options. This patch allows to
pass array as value. Example :
override_options => {
'client' => {
'password' => 'xxx',
'mysqld' => {
'bind_address' => '',
'replicate-do-db' => ['base1', 'base2', 'base3'],
Which will be evaluated into :
password = xxx
bind_address =
replicate-do-db = base1
replicate-do-db = base2
replicate-do-db = base3
These tests are more or less parity with the rspec-system tests, though
dependent on a few patches that still have to make it into beaker and
This provider has undergone the largest set of changes and currently
just accepts a full SQL grant string as the name and then applies it,
making things easier for DBAs and removes the awkward attempts at
modelling grants into Puppet.
The current MySQL module is hard to modify, test, and drop in
replacement components to. This work starts out by refactoring
the bindings support in MySQL to a completely seperate bindings
class in order to reduce the amount of parameters in the main
class for a feature that is infrequently used.
In addition to this start the movement of client configuration
and packages to the mysql::client::* namespace.