require 'spec_helper' describe 'mysql::config' do let :constant_parameter_defaults do { :root_password => 'UNSET', :old_root_password => '', :bind_address => '', :port => '3306', :max_allowed_packet => '16M', :etc_root_password => false, :datadir => '/var/lib/mysql', :default_engine => 'UNSET', :ssl => false, } end describe 'with osfamily specific defaults' do { 'Debian' => { :datadir => '/var/lib/mysql', :service_name => 'mysql', :config_file => '/etc/mysql/my.cnf', :socket => '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock', :pidfile => '/var/run/mysqld/', :root_group => 'root', :max_connections => 1000, :ssl_ca => '/etc/mysql/cacert.pem', :ssl_cert => '/etc/mysql/server-cert.pem', :ssl_key => '/etc/mysql/server-key.pem' }, 'FreeBSD' => { :datadir => '/var/db/mysql', :service_name => 'mysql-server', :config_file => '/var/db/mysql/my.cnf', :socket => '/tmp/mysql.sock', :pidfile => '/var/db/mysql/', :root_group => 'wheel', :max_connections => 1000, }, 'RedHat' => { :datadir => '/var/lib/mysql', :service_name => 'mysqld', :config_file => '/etc/my.cnf', :socket => '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock', :pidfile => '/var/run/mysqld/', :root_group => 'root', :max_connections => 1000, :ssl_ca => '/etc/mysql/cacert.pem', :ssl_cert => '/etc/mysql/server-cert.pem', :ssl_key => '/etc/mysql/server-key.pem' } }.each do |osfamily, osparams| describe "when osfamily is #{osfamily}" do let :facts do {:osfamily => osfamily} end describe 'when root password is set' do let :params do {:root_password => 'foo'} end it { should contain_exec('set_mysql_rootpw').with( 'command' => 'mysqladmin -u root password \'foo\'', 'logoutput' => true, 'unless' => "mysqladmin -u root -p\'foo\' status > /dev/null", 'path' => '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin' )} it { should contain_file('/root/.my.cnf').with( 'content' => "[client]\nuser=root\nhost=localhost\npassword='foo'\n", 'require' => 'Exec[set_mysql_rootpw]' )} end describe 'when root password and old password are set' do let :params do {:root_password => 'foo', :old_root_password => 'bar'} end it { should contain_exec('set_mysql_rootpw').with( 'command' => 'mysqladmin -u root -p\'bar\' password \'foo\'', 'logoutput' => true, 'unless' => "mysqladmin -u root -p\'foo\' status > /dev/null", 'path' => '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin' )} end [ {}, { :service_name => 'dans_service', :config_file => '/home/dan/mysql.conf', :service_name => 'dans_mysql', :pidfile => '/home/dan/', :socket => '/home/dan/mysql.sock', :bind_address => '', :port => '3306', :max_allowed_packet => '32M', :datadir => '/path/to/datadir', :default_engine => 'InnoDB', :ssl => true, :ssl_ca => '/path/to/cacert.pem', :ssl_cert => '/path/to/server-cert.pem', :ssl_key => '/path/to/server-key.pem' } ].each do |passed_params| describe "with #{passed_params == {} ? 'default' : 'specified'} parameters" do let :parameter_defaults do constant_parameter_defaults.merge(osparams) end let :params do passed_params end let :param_values do parameter_defaults.merge(params) end it { should contain_exec('mysqld-restart').with( :refreshonly => true, :path => '/sbin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/bin/:/bin/', :command => "service #{param_values[:service_name]} restart" )} it { should_not contain_exec('set_mysql_rootpw') } it { should contain_file('/root/.my.cnf')} it { should contain_file('/etc/mysql').with( 'owner' => 'root', 'group' => param_values[:root_group], 'notify' => 'Exec[mysqld-restart]', 'ensure' => 'directory', 'mode' => '0755' )} it { should contain_file('/etc/mysql/conf.d').with( 'owner' => 'root', 'group' => param_values[:root_group], 'notify' => 'Exec[mysqld-restart]', 'ensure' => 'directory', 'mode' => '0755' )} it { should contain_file(param_values[:config_file]).with( 'owner' => 'root', 'group' => param_values[:root_group], 'notify' => 'Exec[mysqld-restart]', 'mode' => '0644' )} it 'should have a template with the correct contents' do content = param_value(subject, 'file', param_values[:config_file], 'content') expected_lines = [ "port = #{param_values[:port]}", "socket = #{param_values[:socket]}", "pid-file = #{param_values[:pidfile]}", "datadir = #{param_values[:datadir]}", "bind-address = #{param_values[:bind_address]}", "max_allowed_packet = #{param_values[:max_allowed_packet]}", "max_connections = #{param_values[:max_connections]}" ] if param_values[:default_engine] != 'UNSET' expected_lines = expected_lines | [ "default-storage-engine = #{param_values[:default_engine]}" ] else content.should_not match(/^default-storage-engine = /) end if param_values[:ssl] expected_lines = expected_lines | [ "ssl-ca = #{param_values[:ssl_ca]}", "ssl-cert = #{param_values[:ssl_cert]}", "ssl-key = #{param_values[:ssl_key]}" ] end (content.split("\n") & expected_lines).should == expected_lines end end end end end end describe 'when etc_root_password is set with password' do let :facts do {:osfamily => 'Debian'} end let :params do {:root_password => 'foo', :old_root_password => 'bar', :etc_root_password => true} end it { should contain_exec('set_mysql_rootpw').with( 'command' => 'mysqladmin -u root -p\'bar\' password \'foo\'', 'logoutput' => true, 'unless' => "mysqladmin -u root -p\'foo\' status > /dev/null", 'path' => '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin' )} it { should contain_file('/root/.my.cnf').with( 'content' => "[client]\nuser=root\nhost=localhost\npassword='foo'\n", 'require' => 'Exec[set_mysql_rootpw]' )} end describe 'setting etc_root_password should fail on redhat' do let :facts do {:osfamily => 'RedHat'} end let :params do {:root_password => 'foo', :old_root_password => 'bar', :etc_root_password => true} end it 'should fail' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Duplicate (declaration|definition)/) end end describe 'unset ssl params should fail when ssl is true on freebsd' do let :facts do {:osfamily => 'FreeBSD'} end let :params do { :ssl => true } end it 'should fail' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /required when ssl is true/) end end end