# class mysql::server::root_password { $options = $mysql::server::options $secret_file = $mysql::server::install_secret_file # New installations of MySQL will configure a default random password for the root user # with an expiration. No actions can be performed until this password is changed. The # below exec will remove this default password. If the user has supplied a root # password it will be set further down with the mysql_user resource. $rm_pass_cmd = join([ "mysqladmin -u root --password=\$(grep -o '[^ ]\\+\$' ${secret_file}) password ''", "rm -f ${secret_file}" ], ' && ') exec { 'remove install pass': command => $rm_pass_cmd, onlyif => "test -f ${secret_file}", path => '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin' } # manage root password if it is set if $mysql::server::create_root_user == true and $mysql::server::root_password != 'UNSET' { mysql_user { 'root@localhost': ensure => present, password_hash => mysql_password($mysql::server::root_password), require => Exec['remove install pass'] } } if $mysql::server::create_root_my_cnf == true and $mysql::server::root_password != 'UNSET' { file { "${::root_home}/.my.cnf": content => template('mysql/my.cnf.pass.erb'), owner => 'root', mode => '0600', } # show_diff was added with puppet 3.0 if versioncmp($::puppetversion, '3.0') <= 0 { File["${::root_home}/.my.cnf"] { show_diff => false } } if $mysql::server::create_root_user == true { Mysql_user['root@localhost'] -> File["${::root_home}/.my.cnf"] } } }