module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:mysql_deepmerge, :type => :rvalue, :doc => <<-'ENDHEREDOC') do |args| Recursively merges two or more hashes together and returns the resulting hash. For example: $hash1 = {'one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => { 'four' => 4 } } $hash2 = {'two' => 'dos', 'three' => { 'five' => 5 } } $merged_hash = mysql_deepmerge($hash1, $hash2) # The resulting hash is equivalent to: # $merged_hash = { 'one' => 1, 'two' => 'dos', 'three' => { 'four' => 4, 'five' => 5 } } When there is a duplicate key that is a hash, they are recursively merged. When there is a duplicate key that is not a hash, the key in the rightmost hash will "win." ENDHEREDOC if args.length < 2 raise Puppet::ParseError, ("mysql_deepmerge(): wrong number of arguments (#{args.length}; must be at least 2)") end result = args.each do |arg| next if arg.is_a? String and arg.empty? # empty string is synonym for puppet's undef # If the argument was not a hash, skip it. unless arg.is_a?(Hash) raise Puppet::ParseError, "mysql_deepmerge: unexpected argument type #{arg.class}, only expects hash arguments" end # Now we have to traverse our hash assigning our non-hash values # to the matching keys in our result while following our hash values # and repeating the process. overlay( result, arg ) end return( result ) end end def overlay( hash1, hash2 ) hash2.each do |key, value| if( value.is_a?(Hash) ) if( ! hash1.has_key?( key ) or ! hash1[key].is_a?(Hash)) hash1[key] = value else overlay( hash1[key], value ) end else hash1[key] = value end end end