This provider has undergone the largest set of changes and currently just accepts a full SQL grant string as the name and then applies it, making things easier for DBAs and removes the awkward attempts at modelling grants into Puppet.
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83 lines
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# Class: mysql::backup
# This module handles ...
# Parameters:
# [*backupuser*] - The name of the mysql backup user.
# [*backuppassword*] - The password of the mysql backup user.
# [*backupdir*] - The target directory of the mysqldump.
# [*backupcompress*] - Boolean to compress backup with bzip2.
# [*backuprotate*] - Number of backups to keep. Default 30
# [*backupdatabases*] - Specify databases to back up as array (default all)
# [*file_per_database*] - Boolean to dump each database to its own file.
# [*delete_before_dump*] - Clean existing backups before creating new
# Actions:
# GRANT SELECT, RELOAD, LOCK TABLES ON *.* TO 'user'@'localhost'
# IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
# Requires:
# Class['mysql::config']
# Sample Usage:
# class { 'mysql::backup':
# backupuser => 'myuser',
# backuppassword => 'mypassword',
# backupdir => '/tmp/backups',
# backupcompress => true,
# }
class mysql::backup (
$backupcompress = true,
$backuprotate = 30,
$delete_before_dump = false,
$backupdatabases = [],
$file_per_database = false,
$ensure = 'present'
) {
mysql_user { "${backupuser}@localhost":
ensure => $ensure,
password_hash => mysql_password($backuppassword),
provider => 'mysql',
require => Class['mysql::config'],
mysql_grant { "${backupuser}@localhost/*.*":
ensure => present,
user => "${backupuser}@localhost",
table => '*.*',
privileges => [ 'SELECT', 'RELOAD', 'LOCK TABLES', 'SHOW VIEW' ],
require => Mysql_user["${backupuser}@localhost"],
cron { 'mysql-backup':
ensure => $ensure,
command => '/usr/local/sbin/mysqlbackup.sh',
user => 'root',
hour => 23,
minute => 5,
require => File['mysqlbackup.sh'],
file { 'mysqlbackup.sh':
ensure => $ensure,
path => '/usr/local/sbin/mysqlbackup.sh',
mode => '0700',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
content => template('mysql/mysqlbackup.sh.erb'),
file { 'mysqlbackupdir':
ensure => 'directory',
path => $backupdir,
mode => '0700',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',