The mysql database_grant provider currently has what is arguably a heinous design flaw. At present: 1. The 'privileges' parameter for the database_grant type, mysql provider, does not expect the same syntax as the mysql Grant command ('SELECT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', etc). Rather, it expects the user to supply column names used to store raw grants in the mysql.db or mysql.user tables internally ('Select_priv', 'Update_priv', 'Delete_priv', etc). 2. If a user supplies `privileges => [ 'SELECT', 'INSERT' ]` instead of `privileges => [ 'Select_priv', 'Insert_priv' ]`, the provider fails silently and will continuously attempt to update the privileges with each successive puppet run. In the specific example provided, all privs for the user/db will be set to false since e.g. 'INSERT' does not match any valid privilege. Unfortunately it doesn't look simple to modify the provider such that the intuitive SELECT, DELETE, etc. keywords can be used without changing existing behavior. Leaving that alone for now, it *is* pretty simple to add a validation function that will at least fail cleanly if non-functional privilege values are supplied that don't mean anything to the provider. If the user is trying to use valid MySQL Grant syntax, the new validation procedure will recognize this and suggest a correction. Hopefully giving users this kind of warning will clue them in to what kind of input the provider expects. |
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README.md | ||
Mysql module for Puppet
This module manages mysql on Linux (RedHat/Debian) distros. A native mysql provider implements database resource type to handle database, database user, and database permission.
This module uses the fact osfamily which is supported by Facter 1.6.1+. If you do not have facter 1.6.1 in your environment, the following manifests will provide the same functionality in site.pp (before declaring any node):
if ! $::osfamily {
case $::operatingsystem {
'RedHat', 'Fedora', 'CentOS', 'Scientific', 'SLC', 'Ascendos', 'CloudLinux', 'PSBM', 'OracleLinux', 'OVS', 'OEL': {
$osfamily = 'RedHat'
'ubuntu', 'debian': {
$osfamily = 'Debian'
'SLES', 'SLED', 'OpenSuSE', 'SuSE': {
$osfamily = 'Suse'
'Solaris', 'Nexenta': {
$osfamily = 'Solaris'
default: {
$osfamily = $::operatingsystem
This module depends on creates_resources function which is introduced in Puppet 2.7. Users on puppet 2.6 can use the following module which provides this functionality:
This module is based on work by David Schmitt. The following contributor have contributed patches to this module (beyond Puppet Labs):
- Christian G. Warden
- Daniel Black
- Justin Ellison
- Lowe Schmidt
- Matthias Pigulla
- William Van Hevelingen
- Michael Arnold
Installs the mysql-client package.
class { 'mysql': }
Installs mysql bindings for java.
class { 'mysql::java': }
Installs mysql bindings for python.
class { 'mysql::python': }
Installs mysql bindings for ruby.
class { 'mysql::ruby': }
Installs mysql-server packages, configures my.cnf and starts mysqld service:
class { 'mysql::server':
config_hash => { 'root_password' => 'foo' }
Database login information stored in /root/.my.cnf
Creates a database with a user and assign some privileges.
mysql::db { 'mydb':
user => 'myuser',
password => 'mypass',
host => 'localhost',
grant => ['all'],
Installs a mysql backup script, cronjob, and priviledged backup user.
class { 'mysql::backup':
backupuser => 'myuser',
backuppassword => 'mypassword',
backupdir => '/tmp/backups',
Providers for database types:
MySQL provider supports puppet resources command:
$ puppet resource database
database { 'information_schema':
ensure => 'present',
charset => 'utf8',
database { 'mysql':
ensure => 'present',
charset => 'latin1',
The custom resources can be used in any other manifests:
database { 'mydb':
charset => 'latin1',
database_user { 'bob@localhost':
password_hash => mysql_password('foo')
database_grant { 'user@localhost/database':
privileges => ['all'] ,
A resource default can be specified to handle dependency:
Database {
require => Class['mysql::server'],