Wolf Noble 0f6886bd99 Refactor of classes to put everything as a param to mysql to prepare for autoloading from hiera
put a handle on all the params of the class in init.pp so that they can be autoloaded from hiera, and easily fed to the class from a profile class
2013-04-09 13:45:55 -05:00

25 lines
476 B

# Class: mysql::python
# This class installs the python libs for mysql.
# Parameters:
# [*package_ensure*] - Ensure state for package. Can be specified as version.
# [*package_name*] - Name of package
# Actions:
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
class mysql::python(
$package_ensure = 'present',
$package_name = $mysql::python_package_name,
) inherits mysql {
package { 'python-mysqldb':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $package_name,