On Ubuntu, mysql should use upstart provider instead of init.d. This change overrides the init provider until the issue with init provider can be addressed.
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96 lines
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# Class: mysql::config
# Parameters:
# [*root_password*] - root user password.
# [*old_root_password*] - previous root user password,
# [*bind_address*] - address to bind service.
# [*port*] - port to bind service.
# [*etc_root_password*] - whether to save /etc/.my.cnf.
# [*service_name*] - mysql service name.
# [*config_file*] - my.cnf configuration file path.
# [*socket*] - mysql socket.
# Actions:
# Requires:
# class mysql::server
# Usage:
# class { 'mysql::config':
# root_password => 'changeme',
# bind_address => $::ipaddress,
# }
class mysql::config(
$root_password = 'UNSET',
$old_root_password = '',
$bind_address = $mysql::params::bind_address,
$port = $mysql::params::port,
$etc_root_password = $mysql::params::etc_root_password,
$service_name = $mysql::params::service_name,
$config_file = $mysql::params::config_file,
$socket = $mysql::params::socket
) inherits mysql::params {
File {
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0400',
notify => Exec['mysqld-restart'],
# This kind of sucks, that I have to specify a difference resource for
# restart. the reason is that I need the service to be started before mods
# to the config file which can cause a refresh
exec { 'mysqld-restart':
command => "service ${service_name} restart",
logoutput => on_failure,
refreshonly => true,
path => '/sbin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/bin/:/bin/',
# manage root password if it is set
if $root_password != 'UNSET' {
case $old_root_password {
'': { $old_pw='' }
default: { $old_pw="-p${old_root_password}" }
exec { 'set_mysql_rootpw':
command => "mysqladmin -u root ${old_pw} password ${root_password}",
logoutput => true,
unless => "mysqladmin -u root -p${root_password} status > /dev/null",
path => '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin',
notify => Exec['mysqld-restart']
file { '/root/.my.cnf':
content => template('mysql/my.cnf.pass.erb'),
require => Exec['set_mysql_rootpw'],
if $etc_root_password {
file{ '/etc/my.cnf':
content => template('mysql/my.cnf.pass.erb'),
require => Exec['set_mysql_rootpw'],
file { '/etc/mysql':
ensure => directory,
mode => '0755',
file { '/etc/mysql/conf.d':
ensure => directory,
mode => '0755',
file { $config_file:
content => template('mysql/my.cnf.erb'),
mode => '0644',