Prevously, the server class declared the config class and the config class had a relationship to the server class. This actually meant that the config class could never be declared by itself b/c it exlicity depended on the server class (which it could never resolve externally b/c it would result in a redeclaration of the config class itself.) This issue actually made it impossible to test the manifest on its own with rspec-puppet. This commit makes it much easier to write rspec tests for the config class.
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# Class: mysql::server
# manages the installation of the mysql server. manages the package, service,
# my.cnf
# Parameters:
# [*package_name*] - name of package
# [*service_name*] - name of service
# [*config_hash*] - hash of config parameters that need to be set.
# Actions:
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
class mysql::server (
$package_name = $mysql::params::server_package_name,
$package_ensure = 'present',
$service_name = $mysql::params::service_name,
$config_hash = {}
) inherits mysql::params {
Class['mysql::server'] -> Class['mysql::config']
create_resources( 'class', {'mysql::config' => $config_hash} )
package { 'mysql-server':
name => $package_name,
ensure => $package_ensure,
service { 'mysqld':
name => $service_name,
ensure => running,
enable => true,
require => Package['mysql-server'],