Dan Bode fb00c75ced Debian should not manage root password
- previously setting the root password failed on 
  Debian b/c a root password was already set
  during package installation
- Debian already installs mysql with a 
   maintainance user capable of performing any
   required database actions.
- this patch splits setting of root password to
  be redhat specific.
- as a consequence, users will not be able to 
  specify a root password on Debian (which 
  needs to be opened as a seperate ticket)
2011-06-16 10:49:15 -07:00

27 lines
843 B

class mysql::server::redhat(
$old_root_password = ''
) {
case $old_root_password {
'': {$old_pw=''}
default: {$old_pw="-p${old_root_password}"}
exec{ 'set_mysql_rootpw':
command => "mysqladmin -u root ${old_pw} password ${root_password}",
#logoutput => on_failure,
logoutput => true,
unless => "mysqladmin -u root -p${root_password} status > /dev/null",
path => '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin',
require => [Package['mysql-server'], Service['mysqld']],
before => File['/root/.my.cnf'],
notify => Exec['mysqld-restart'],
file{['/root/.my.cnf', '/etc/my.cnf']:
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0400',
content => template('mysql/my.cnf.erb'),
notify => Exec['mysqld-restart'],
require => Package['mysql-server'],