This commit implements the 'postscript' functionality for the xtrabackup provider. It also adds a 'prescript' option to be executed before a backup.
65 lines
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65 lines
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# See README.me for usage.
class mysql::backup::xtrabackup (
$backupuser = '',
$backuppassword = '',
$backupdir = '',
$backupmethod = 'mysqldump',
$backupdirmode = '0700',
$backupdirowner = 'root',
$backupdirgroup = $mysql::params::root_group,
$backupcompress = true,
$backuprotate = 30,
$ignore_events = true,
$delete_before_dump = false,
$backupdatabases = [],
$file_per_database = false,
$include_triggers = true,
$include_routines = false,
$ensure = 'present',
$time = ['23', '5'],
$prescript = false,
$postscript = false,
$execpath = '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin',
) {
package{ 'percona-xtrabackup':
ensure => $ensure,
cron { 'xtrabackup-weekly':
ensure => $ensure,
command => "/usr/local/sbin/xtrabackup.sh ${backupdir}",
user => 'root',
hour => $time[0],
minute => $time[1],
weekday => 0,
require => Package['percona-xtrabackup'],
cron { 'xtrabackup-daily':
ensure => $ensure,
command => "/usr/local/sbin/xtrabackup.sh --incremental ${backupdir}",
user => 'root',
hour => $time[0],
minute => $time[1],
weekday => 1-6,
require => Package['percona-xtrabackup'],
file { 'mysqlbackupdir':
ensure => 'directory',
path => $backupdir,
mode => $backupdirmode,
owner => $backupdirowner,
group => $backupdirgroup,
file { 'xtrabackup.sh':
ensure => $ensure,
path => '/usr/local/sbin/xtrabackup.sh',
mode => '0700',
owner => 'root',
group => $mysql::params::root_group,
content => template('mysql/xtrabackup.sh.erb'),