# manifests/defines.pp # sshkey: have to be handed over as the classname # containing the ssh_keys # password: the password in cleartext or as crypted string # which should be set. Default: absent -> no password is set. # To create an encrypted password, you can use: # /usr/bin/mkpasswd -H md5 -S $salt $password # Note: On OpenBSD systems we can only manage crypted passwords. # Therefor the password_crypted option doesn't have any effect. # You'll find a python script in ${module}/password/openbsd/genpwd.py # Which will help you to create such a password # password_crypted: if the supplied password is crypted or not. # Default: true # Note: If you'd like to use unencrypted passwords, you have to set a variable # $password_salt to an 8 character long salt, being used for the password. define user::define_user( $name_comment = 'absent', $uid = 'absent', $gid = 'absent', $groups = [], $membership = 'minimum', $homedir = 'absent', $managehome = 'true', $homedir_mode = '0750', $sshkey = 'absent', $password = 'absent', $password_crypted = 'true', $shell = 'absent' ){ $real_homedir = $homedir ? { 'absent' => "/home/$name", default => $homedir } $real_name_comment = $name_comment ? { 'absent' => $name, default => $name_comment, } $real_shell = $shell ? { 'absent' => $operatingsystem ? { openbsd => "/usr/local/bin/bash", default => "/bin/bash", }, default => $shell, } user { $name: allowdupe => false, comment => "$real_name_comment", ensure => present, home => $real_homedir, managehome => $managehome, shell => $real_shell, groups => $groups, membership => $membership, } case $managehome { 'true': { file{"$real_homedir": ensure => directory, require => User[$name], owner => $name, mode => $homedir_mode; } case $gid { 'absent': { File[$real_homedir]{ group => $name, } } default: { File[$real_homedir]{ group => $gid, } } } } } case $uid { 'absent': { info("Not defining a uid for user $name") } default: { User[$name]{ uid => $uid, } } } case $gid { 'absent': { info("Not defining a gid for user $name") } default: { User[$name]{ gid => $gid, } } } case $name { root: {} default: { group { $name: allowdupe => false, ensure => present, require => User[$name], } case $gid { 'absent': { info("not defining a gid for group $name") } default: { Group[$name]{ gid => $gid, } } } } } case $sshkey { 'absent': { info("no sshkey to manage for user $name") } default: { User[$name]{ before => Class[$sshkey], } include $sshkey } } case $password { 'absent': { info("not managing the password for user $name") } default: { case $operatingsystem { openbsd: { exec { "setpass ${name}": unless => "grep -q '^${name}:${password}:' /etc/master.passwd", command => "usermod -p '${password}' ${name}", require => User["${name}"], } } default: { include ruby-libshadow if $password_crypted { $real_password = $password } else { case $password_salt { '': { fail("To use unencrypted passwords you have to define a variable \$password_salt to an 8 character salt for passwords!") } default: { $real_password = mkpasswd($password,$password_salt) } } } User[$name]{ password => $real_password, require => Package['ruby-libshadow'], } } } } } } define user::sftp_only( $managehome = 'false', $uid = 'absent', $gid = 'absent', $homedir_mode = '0750', $password = 'absent', $password_crypted = 'true' ) { include user::groups::sftponly user::define_user{"${name}": uid => $uid, gid => $gid, name_comment => "SFTP-only_user_${name}", groups => [ 'sftponly' ], managehome => $managehome, homedir_mode => $homedir_mode, shell => $operatingsystem ? { debian => '/usr/sbin/nologin', ubuntu => '/usr/sbin/nologin', default => '/sbin/nologin' }, password => $password, password_crypted => $password_crypted, require => Group['sftponly'], } }