Puppet apply does not add the stdlib lib directory to the $LOAD_PATH. This is a problem because the puppet_vardir fact requires the puppet_settings library to be available for the `with_puppet` utility method. Without this patch, puppet apply will result in the following error: $ puppet apply --modulepath=/vagrant/modules -e 'notice $puppet_vardir' warning: Could not load fact file stdlib/lib/facter/puppet_vardir.rb: no such file to load -- facter/util/puppet_settings notice: Scope(Class[main]): notice: Finished catalog run in 0.01 seconds With this patch applied, puppet apply works as expected: $ puppet apply --modulepath=/vagrant/modules.pe -e 'notice $puppet_vardir' notice: Scope(Class[main]): /Users/jeff/.puppet/var notice: Finished catalog run in 0.01 seconds This patch defensively tries to load facter/util/puppet_settings. If it cannot load it, it falls back to trying to explicitly locate and load the library. Once puppet is fixed such that a modules lib directory is truly in the $LOAD_PATH, the fall back implementation will no longer be exercised since the LoadError should not be raised.
26 lines
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26 lines
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# This facter fact returns the value of the Puppet vardir setting for the node
# running puppet or puppet agent. The intent is to enable Puppet modules to
# automatically have insight into a place where they can place variable data,
# regardless of the node's platform.
# The value should be directly usable in a File resource path attribute.
require 'facter/util/puppet_settings'
rescue LoadError => e
# puppet apply does not add module lib directories to the $LOAD_PATH (See
# #4248). It should (in the future) but for the time being we need to be
# defensive which is what this rescue block is doing.
rb_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'util', 'puppet_settings.rb')
load rb_file if File.exists?(rb_file) or raise e
Facter.add(:puppet_vardir) do
setcode do
# This will be nil if Puppet is not available.
Facter::Util::PuppetSettings.with_puppet do