If one wishes to test if a host has a particular IP address (such as a floating virtual address) or has an interface on a particular network (such as a secondary management network), the facts that provide this information are difficult to use within Puppet. This patch addresses these needs by implementing functions ‘has_ip_address(value)’ and ‘has_ip_network(value)’. These functions look through all interfaces for ipaddress_<interface> and network_<interface> (respectively) having the requested <value>. These functions are implemented on top of a lower-level predicate function, ‘has_interface_with(kind, value)’, which iterates through the interfaces in the ‘interfaces’ fact and checks the facts <kind>_<interface> looking for <value>. Additionally, the existence of a particular named interface can be checked for by calling with only a single argument: has_interface_with(interface). A Boolean is returned in all cases.
25 lines
722 B
25 lines
722 B
# has_ip_address
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
newfunction(:has_ip_address, :type => :rvalue, :doc => <<-EOS
Returns true if the client has the requested IP address on some interface.
This function iterates through the 'interfaces' fact and checks the
'ipaddress_IFACE' facts, performing a simple string comparison.
) do |args|
raise(Puppet::ParseError, "has_ip_address(): Wrong number of arguments " +
"given (#{args.size} for 1)") if args.size != 1
Puppet::Parser::Functions.autoloader.load(:has_interface_with) \
unless Puppet::Parser::Functions.autoloader.loaded?(:has_interface_with)
function_has_interface_with(['ipaddress', args[0]])
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