#!/usr/bin/bash lsscsi echo "- - -" read -p 'Disk to wipe: ' disk if [ -z $disk ]; then echo "YOU HAVE TO INPUT THE DISK. like: sda" exit else echo "wiping $1" fi system_serial=$(dmidecode -s system-serial-number) disk_model=$(smartctl -i /dev/$disk | grep "Model" | sed -e 's/Device Model://g' | sed -e 's/Model Number://g' | xargs) disk_serial=$(smartctl -i /dev/$disk | grep "Serial Number:" | sed -e 's/Serial Number://g' | xargs) #disk_info=$(hdparm -i /dev/$disk | grep Model | sed -e 's/ Model=//g') #disk_model=$(echo $disk_info | cut -d ',' -f 1) #disk_serial=$(echo $disk_info | cut -d ',' -f 3 | tr -d " SerialNo=") start_date=$(date) if [[ ${disk} != *"nvme"* ]];then #disk is not NVME disk_rot=$(cat /sys/block/$disk/queue/rotational) if [[ "$disk_rot" == 1 ]]; then disk_type="HDD" #DEBUG: echo "shred -v -n 1 -z /dev/$disk" elif [[ "$disk_rot" == 0 ]]; then disk_type="SSD" echo "shred -v -n 1 -z /dev/$disk" else disk_type="unknown" exit fi else disk_type="Nvme (SSD)" nvme_disk=$(echo $disk | sed -e 's/n1//g') #DEBUG: echo "nvme sanitize /dev/$nvme_disk -a 2" fi echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "" sleep 3 #test sanitization: disk_test=$(dd if=/dev/$disk bs=1k count=1024 status=none skip=10240 iflag=skip_bytes | tr --squeeze-repeats "\000" | tr -d '\0') if [ -z "$disk_test" ]; then #echo "empty disk" disk_status="Zeroed-Empty" else #echo "NOT EMPTY" disk_status="NON-Zeroed-StillContainsData" echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" echo "!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!" echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" echo "!!! disk still contains data !!!" echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" read -p "Are you sure? " -n 1 -r echo # (optional) move to a new line if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then echo "continuing" else exit fi fi end_date=$(date) echo "- - -" echo "System serial: "$system_serial echo "Disk model: "$disk_model echo "Disk serial: "$disk_serial echo "Disk type: "$disk_type echo "Disk status: "$disk_status echo "Disk has been wiped with 1 random pass and one last zeroing" echo "Started on: "$start_date echo "Ended on: "$end_date sign=$(echo "$start_date"_"$end_date"_"$system_serial"_"$disk_model"_"$disk_serial" | sha1sum | tr -d " -") echo "- - -" echo "Operation signature: "$sign echo "- - -" echo "Validation: $start_date"_"$end_date"_"$system_serial"_"$disk_model"_"$disk_serial"_"$disk_type"_"$disk_status"_"$sign" echo "start-date _ end-date _ system-serial _ disk-model _ disk-serial _ disk-type _ disk-status _ sign" qr "$start_date"_"$end_date"_"$system_serial"_"$disk_model"_"$disk_serial"_"$disk_type"_"$disk_status"_"$sign"