wipe machine (customized ubuntu-mate 20.04 with ubuntu cubic): apt update apt install python3-qrcode nvme-cli smartmontools hdparm lsscsi pv iotop htop sysstat place wiper_new.sh in /etc/skel/Desktop mkdir /etc/skel/Desktop nano /etc/skel/Desktop/wiper.sh chmod +x /etc/skel/Desktop/wiper.sh add "toram" before --- on the lines with "try ubuntu mate" in GRUB doc machine: sudo apt-get install pandoc texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra texlive-xetex pandoc report_test.md -o report_test.pdf -V geometry:margin=1in --pdf-engine=xelatex source: http://www.nicksun.fun/linux/2020/03/26/pdfs-bash-pandoc.html