#!/usr/bin/bash op_name="Name Surname" op_company="Company" read -p 'Input sanitization data: ' data #if [ -z $data ]; then # echo "YOU HAVE TO INPUT THE DATA" # exit #fi start_date=$(echo $data | cut -d "_" -f 1) end_date=$(echo $data | cut -d "_" -f 2) system_serial=$(echo $data | cut -d "_" -f 3) disk_model=$(echo $data | cut -d "_" -f 4) disk_serial=$(echo $data | cut -d "_" -f 5) disk_type=$(echo $data | cut -d "_" -f 6) disk_status=$(echo $data | cut -d "_" -f 7) sign=$(echo $data | cut -d "_" -f 8) cat < report_temp.md --- title: ! '**Disk sanitization report**' date: $(date) --- # Person performing sanitization: - **Name:** $op_name - **Organization:** $op_company # Media information: - **Make/Model:** $disk_model - **Serial number:** $disk_serial - **Media type:** $disk_type - **Source (ie user name or PC serial):** $system_serial - **Data backed up:** [ ]Yes [ ]No [X]Unknown # Sanitization details: - **Method type:** [X]Clear [ ]Purge [ ]Damage [ ]Destruct - **Method used:** [ ]Degauss [X]Overwrite [ ]Block Erase [ ]Crypto Erase [ ]Other: - **Method details:** one random pass and one zero pass as per NIST 800-88 *1 - **Tools used:** shred on HDD and SDD, embedded zeroing on NVME - **Verification status:** $disk_status - **Verification Method:** [ ]Full [X]Quick Sampling [ ]Other: - **Notes:** sample of portion of the disk - **Operation start:** $start_date - **Operation end:** $end_date - **Operation signature (sha1):** $sign # Media Destintation: - [ ]Internal Reuse [X]External Reuse [ ]Recycling Facility [ ]Manufacturer [ ]Other (specify in details) - **Details:** # Signature: I attest that the information provided on this statement is accurate to the best of my knowledge: - Signature: - Date: EOF pandoc report_temp.md -o report_$system_serial.pdf -V geometry:margin=1in --pdf-engine=xelatex rm report_temp.md echo "- - -" echo "your report is in $(pwd)/report_$system_serial.pdf" xdg-open report_$system_serial.pdf