2020-03-17 19:35:35 +01:00

19 lines
1.1 KiB

timenow=$(date \+\%Y\%m\%d)
#common variables:
retention_days="31" #after this value your dumps will be automatically pruned
basedir="/mnt/backup/_MYSQLDUMP/" #leave a trailing "/" . basedirectory where you will save the backups, the folders up to mysql_basedir must be manually created
#specific variables:
mysql_basedir="MYSQL_PRD/" #leave a trailing "/" . directory where your backup will be saved (in $basedir)
mysql_host="CHANGEME" #your mysql/mariadb db host
mysql_user="bck_user" #your mysql/mariadb READONLY user
mysql_pass="CHANGEME" #your mysql/mariadb READONLY user pass
mysql_suff="CHANGEME_" #leave a trailing unserscore. suffix for the folder that will be created like this: /basedir/mysql_basedir/mysql_suff_timenow
mkdir $mysql_dir
cd $mysql_dir
mysql -h $mysql_host -u $mysql_user -p$mysql_pass -N -e 'show databases' | while read dbname; do mysqldump -h $mysql_host -u $mysql_user -p$mysql_pass --compress "$dbname" | gzip -c > "$dbname".sql.gz; done
find $basedir$mysql_basedir -type d -mtime +$retention_days -name $mysql_suff* -exec rm -rf {} \;