After weeks of discomfort and uncertainty about the ins and outs of this project, and what was asked of us as designers, and the feeling of a disconnect with reality, I would like to propose a catalog of non-solutions. Through the demonstration of the complexity of the cocoa and chocolate industry, I would also like to question the foundations of the subject on which we were asked to work. The underlying issues; our position as designers, the management of systemic problems by a demand for local solutions, and what questions this relationship of requesting local and individual solutions in a global system raises.
May 24th 2021
When as a designer or practitioner we are confronted with such a subject (solving world hunger) we try to find an entry point at our scale. As a group, we were interested in the chocolate production/consumption chain. Although this is only one part of the food chain, the study of cocoa production/consumption and the whole production chain is still extremely broad. In this universe, we will look for the precise, the human, the case study that will allow us to act, to take care and to develop a reflection.
- In the cocoa chain, there are two poles located at each end of the chain, which allow for specific action: the producers and the consumers. On one side we can act with the producer, favour a short production cycle, act on local issues, create cooperatives. On the other side, the consumer, namely: us, inhabitants of the Netherlands and design students. In order to raise awareness and to bring ringing light to a reality that does not affect us directly; of making our "consumer right" act.
- Two poles on which we can have an impact, because we act from human to human for individuals. We can take concrete action. This is important, but it can also lead to another problem that I would like to address: the responsibility lies then with the individual.
- When we involve a designer, we also engage an individual. This designer will, without being an expert in the system in which s/he operates, try to act on their own scale, with elements that can be grasped. There is this idea that if one person can do it on a local scale, make things happen and apply solutions locally, then everyone can do it. That we need small solutions and that pebble by pebble we move mountains.
- But when it is a way of working, of thinking, that is promoted by an institution, an entity that has much more weight in the system, what does it mean? Why promote individual initiatives? And why, again from an institution, encourage them?
- The discourse crystallises around the fact that everyone can somehow find solutions, and this puts the responsibility on the individual: you just have to act if you want to change things! I would like to reorient the trajectory of this critique, and nuance a solutionist approach.
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- cocoatlas
from bean to bar
Chocolate, as finished or semi-finished product, is made from cocoa beans that grow on cocoa trees. The cocoa tree is a tropical species that grows at low altitudes in a hot and humid climate, preferably in regions of the world near the equator. The main countries where cocoa is cultivated are, in order of production size, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Indonesia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Brazil and Equator. More than 80% of the world's cocoa production comes from family farms of less than 5 hectares.
- When the cocoa beans are ripe, they are manually removed from the pod. Then the beans are fermented and dried, then washed. It is with this raw material that the manufacture of chocolate begins. The beans are sold to large western industries such as Cargill or Barry Callebaut, who process 70% of the world's cocoa.
- The beans are roasted, dehulled, crushed and kneaded. The chocolate is then crystallized and molded or coated. The finished product is packaged and distributed through sales channels.
tony's chocolate
Tony's chocolate is a Dutch chocolate brand that claims to be 100% slave free. Indeed, child labor and modern slavery are the curse of the chocolate industry. As in every model of modern agriculture and supply chain this is explain by a pressure not in the middle of the chain leads by profits. Indeed, the cocoa producers are millions of small familial farms, and at the end of the chain, the consumer of chocolate who is also counts by billions. Unfortunately, the cocoa producers don’t sell directly to the consumer but have to trade with big companies who have the weight to make pressure on prices and productivity. And poverty can leads to child labor and modern slavery. Certifications or regulations are not sufficient to ensure an appropriate income for farmers.
- “On its own, a certification label does not enable farmers to live above the poverty line and provide a decent income for their families.”
- Tony’s Chocolate proposes several principles for the companies to act. To invest in farmers cooperatives who will act locally with the farmers and therefore organize a collective force. To pay the farmers more to increase their living income. And to set up a traceability of cocoa, because during the purchase and processing of cocoa beans by western companies, certified and non-certified beans are gathered to produce chocolate.
- “If you buy a bar of chocolate made with certified cocoa you know that somewhere in the world the equivalent quantity of certified beans was purchased. But they're not necessarily in your bar.”
As we have seen, the production chain is very long, both because of the stages of transformation from raw material to consumption, but also because of the many actors involved. Thus actors and stages of transformation are key points that put pressure on the whole chain. Many producers and farms are involved in this massive production which will then be consumed massively, there are two distinct poles (geographical and political) on one side producers and on the other side consumers who in terms of individuals and human beings are much more numerous than the few multinationals which constrain and decide on the whole production. The market is highly inequitable.
The Harkin–Engel Protocol is a public-private agreement to eliminate the worst forms of child labor (defined according to the International Labour Organization (ILO)'s Convention 182) in the growth and processing of cocoa in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. The protocol was a voluntary agreement that partnered governments, the global cocoa industry, cocoa producers, cocoa laborers, non-governmenal organizations. The agreement laid out a series of date-specific actions, including the development of voluntary standards of public certification. The Protocol did not commit the industry to ending all child labor in cocoa production, only the worst forms of it. The parties agreed to a six-article plan:
In April 2018, the Cocoa Barometer 2018 report on the $100-billion industry, said this about the child labor situation: "Not a single company or government is anywhere near reaching the sectorwide objective of the elimination of child labour, and not even near their commitments of a 70% reduction of child labour by 2020".
The protocol laid out a non-binding agreement for the cocoa industry to regulate itself without any legal implications, but Engel threatened to reintroduce legislation if the deadlines were not met. This agreement was one of the first times an American industry was subjected to self-regulation and one of the first times self-regulation was used to address an international human rights issue.
In 2009, cocoa from Côte d'Ivoire and Nigeria was added to a list of products made by forced child labor maintained by the Department of Labor. This listing stemmed from a request by Anti-Slavery International in 2004 to investigate if Ivorian cocoa should be on this list. Executive Order 13126 requires federal contractors who supply products on the list must prove they have made a good faith effort to determine if the products were produced under forced labor. Thus contractors must prove they have made a good faith effort to determine if cocoa was produced under forced labor.
- The protocol was signed in 2001, with the intention that the 6 principles would be implemented by 2005. At that date, the requirements were not met; no certification standard, no change in the price of chocolate to enable cocoa farmers to lift themselves out of poverty. Companies are criticised for implementing the protocol at the lowest cost, without taking action to change the business model of the cocoa industry, which remains dependent on child labour.
- Indeed, the protocol is a non-binding agreement, so that the cocoa industry regulates itself without legal implication. Corporate self-regulation is favoured to address a human rights issue.
- In 2009, cocoa from the Ivory Coast and Nigeria was added to the list of products produced by child labour. Under Executive Order 13126, federal contractors who supply products on the list must prove that they have made a good faith effort to determine whether the products were produced using forced labour.
- With the targets still not met in 2010, a new joint statement was issued: reduce the worst forms of child labour by 70% by 2020. In 2011, the cocoa industry had not completed any of the six articles.
- Last modification 12/05/2021
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[...] Andy Harner, global cocoa vice president at Mars Chocolate
- “I would disagree with any naive thought of just passing through price increases to farmers. It's unfortunately more complicated than that.”
- He said while the industry agreed that farmers needed higher incomes, It was more sustainable to empower farmers to negotiate a fairer price and to lobby producing countries to award farmers a greater percentage of the global cocoa price. This strategy has been employed by Cocoa Action, an industry initiative by manufacturers and processors including Mondelēz, Barry Callebaut and Cargill that aims to improve farmer yields through fertilizer use and training. [...] Mars’ Andy Harner said it was a naive assumption to add 3% for the price and then try to add that 3% to a cocoa farmers’ price. “The supply chain really isn't that direct and transparent,” he said.
Current efforts focus on technical solutions such as increasing productivity and
- diversifying production. Though these are necessary steps, these technical
- solutions alone will not suffice. Additionally, technical approaches also
- have their own challenges, and require available and affordable inputs,
- labour and financing.[...]
- Farm gate prices are a key missing ingredient, and are a short term
- solution that every company can engage in almost immediately. The Living
- Income Differential - a $400 per tonne premium - has been implemented
- by the main cocoa growing countries Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana, thereby
- raising farm gate prices by 21% and 28% respectively. This is an important
- step, although is far from sufficient to provide farmers a living income,
- despite its name. Additionally, concerns remain at the lack of inclusion of
- other stakeholders in the development of these plans, including farmer
- organisations, civil society, and other cocoa producing governments.
Other benefits are less obvious but just as valuable. The world market for cacao is marked by high price volatility. Small-scale producers end up at the mercy of market forces entirely outside their control, resulting in boom and bust cycles that at best discourage farmers from investing in growing more cacao, and at worst, bankrupt them entirely. Some of our partners offer farmers much needed stability by paying a fixed price for their beans, well above the world market price, which is set at the start of the harvest and guaranteed through the season.
I also came to appreciate the limitations of my original question. The price paid for cacao matters, but it needs to be multiplied by the volume of cacao produced in order to reveal a farmer’s total income. Similarly, income tells only half the story (or less, if the farmer gets additional money from growing coffee or other work), because if a producer sells a lot of cacao but spends a fortune on fertilizer to grow it or logistics to transport it, they may end up losing money. And all this before considering a place’s cost of living! Clearly, the more I learned, the more questions arose. [...] From my perspective, as an advocate for small farmers, I need price to be above cost of production — at least by 20 percent or more. However, we don’t know enough about cost of production and farmer incomes for coffee and cocoa. We have small data sets and handpicked examples. We need to learn the relationship between farmer income and a living income. So… yes, price is important but is still a limited indicator of sustainability and farmer livelihoods.
Until the Ivorian and Ghanaian governments combined forces to introduce
- the Living Income Differential, farmers were almost entirely dependent
- on the world market for the setting of the farm gate price. Though
- markets can work well to set proper price levels when all actors have
- countervailing power, this is not the case in the cocoa sector. One of the
- key determinants for a farmers income is therefore imposed on him. This
- asymmetrical power balance doesn’t just lead to low farm gate prices,
- it also leads to a very skewed distribution of value in the supply chain;
- farmers live in extreme poverty in a multi-billion dollar industry.
One of the arguments that companies must follow the world market
- price, is that the chocolate sector is a competitive one, and that
- companies cannot afford to unilaterally pay higher prices. However,
- in the past decade, Nestlé has bought back around $46 billion USD
- (Nestlé Global 2020) in stockholder shares. In early 2020, the Ferrero
- family paid itself an annual dividend of €642 million (Neate 2020).
- A rough calculation shows that a chocolate company like Ferrero,
- sourcing 135,000 metric tonnes of cocoa per year could give every
- single cocoa farming household it sources from (circa 90,000 farmers
- producing 1.5 tonnes per household) a living income for the year
- ($5,500 per household for Côte d’Ivoire), leading to a cost of at most
- $450 million. This would still leave the company around €192 million it
- could pay out to its owning family - the richest family in Italy.
- If chocolate companies are able to spend that kind of money on their
- stockholders and owners, there is simply no excuse for companies not
- to pay prices that ensure a living income.
- The farm gate price, the living income of farmers, the cocoa price market, the cocoa price volatility; these are the different notions that are addressed when we look at the creation of a living income for farmers.
- How can a living income or a farm price, which to be fair should be fixed and defined, coexist with a market that makes prices fluctuate?
- Last modification 22/05/2021
- Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire have introduced a living income (if I understand correctly it is a farm price). The living income differential is calculated on yield forecasts, so it is not adjustable or proportional. It is a fixed income per bag of cocoa, so the farm infrastructure must be able to produce enough bags to ensure a good income for all farm workers.
- Last modification 22/05/2021
- The cocoa price market is the stock price of cocoa, which sets the farm-gate price but in relation to the volatility of the cocoa price. the living income differential set up in Ghana and the Ivory Coast ensures a minimum income for farmers to protect them from market fluctuations.
- Last modification 22/05/2021
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- cocoatlas
an individual gaze
Can we ask for a local and specific answer for a systemic issue?
- On one side of the production chain there are the producers, on the other the consumers. Perhaps at first glance, the chain is seen or perceived in this way: someone is cultivating, someone is buying, and an artisan in between is making the chocolate.
“That allows everyone along the chocolate chain to pass blame and responsibility for the boy slaves to someone else. Farmers who use slaves blame the people responsible for the price of cocoa. Middlemen who deal with farmers say they don't see any slavery. Ivory Coast government officials who enforce slavery laws say it's foreigners who are selling and using slaves in their country. Cocoa suppliers say they can't be responsible because they don't control the farms. Chocolate companies say they rely on their suppliers to provide cocoa untainted by slave labor. The trade associations blame Ivory Coast's unstable political situation. And consumers don't have an inkling that their favorite chocolate treats may be tainted by slave labor.” (LINK)
- This raises the question: how can we deal with systemic issues from an individual gaze?
- As a designer, or simply as an individual who tries to understand and apprehend certain forms of systems that participate in the organisation of the world, a reframing of the issue is necessary to understand it. To have the possibility to grasp it could reduce it to problems, and not questions. And the problems could be solved, if we look at this part of the whole equation.
- The broader system is stuck in models that underlie the whole society. There is a tendency to see a binarity in the distribution of resources, with producers who work and are exploited in the sense that they do not receive the value of their labour. On the other hand, the consumers who benefit from the producer's work, but who in a way do not exploit its value either. We know that this surplus value does not just disappear. Nevertheless, although the problem cannot be solved on an individual basis, we can look at ways of thinking about it. The following points will help this process:
- — Raising awareness about the position of institutions, lobbies, industries in this economy. This is perhaps what I'm trying to do in this catalogue, by re-adjusting the glance so that it no longer highlights individuals but a systemic paradox.
- — Developing a parallel, more circular or local economy. Because by remaining in capitalist schemes in this chain that involves all the actors and puts the exploiter and the exploited in relation to each other, the worker can hardly get out of it.
- — Demanding action from legal persons (governments, institutions, law and regulation makers). In terms of power relations they are the most likely to have an impact in the chain.
- — Or, as individual entities: producers and consumers join forces. Consumers boycott products that exploit producers, and question the limits of the system they support by consuming.
“A designer is a person who plans the look or workings of something prior to it being made, by preparing drawings or plans.
- More formally, a designer is an agent that "specifies the structural properties of a design object". In practice, anyone who creates tangible or intangible objects, products, processes, laws, games, graphics, services, and experiences is referred to as a designer.”
- “A journalist is an individual trained to collect/gather information in form of text, audio or pictures, processes them to a news-worth form and disseminates it to the public. The act or process mainly done by the journalist is called journalism.”
May 30th 2021
Often during this project I questioned my relevance as a designer. Indeed, I am not an expert on this subject, so my role is to gather information, curate it and make it public. But what differentiates me from a journalist in this process?
- I would like to bring an additional layer to this project, in the way I make this knowledge public, I question the process I wanted to undertake. By questioning my positionality, I also question my relevance. I wanted to propose thoughts, bits of reflection as they are, to make my approach more transparent and, I hope, more honest.
May 14th 2021
I continue my researchs about legislation especially, and institutions reglementations. As i start to research about it i felt into a rabbit hole of webpages and articles. None of them gave me the information i was looking for, never enough synthetize or too vague or not updated… By acknowledging that, i would like to propose a page for each case study, by curating some informations i found; higlighting the shadow part i don’t understand, and saying: i would never be exhaustive, or i couldn’t even grasp the subject as i wanted so i propose you what i found, the questions i have and you can add the content you found. Indeed, i would like people who go through the catalog to add contents, articles, ressources, links, to add comments about what i found; and so all together as non-experts we can create a shared database.
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- cocoatlas
Chocolate Atlas
The Chocolate Atlas takes the viewer on a non-liner route through the world of cocoa. Using
- the lens of cocoa to magnify the detached consumption of goods on a global base. A melt-inyour-mouth sweet for some and, amongst others, a child-slavery-based business for others. The
- reality of food is not singular, which is why the Atlas is organized in an organic spread that can
- be accessed at multiple points. Cocoa and its trade route is one of the most fragmented crops of
- the world, equaling in increased accountability detachment from the fruit to the bar.
Project Developed
- at Design Academy of Eindhoven
- Curated and edited
- by Lison, Julia, Camille, Raphaelle, Gianmarco
This is my project
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
An other project
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
- In this platform we chose to highlight producer countries. Indeed a very few countries, all based close to the Equator, produce all the cocoa consumed in the world.