debris - intentions (blog's) world2018-09-20T15:25:06+02:002018-09-20T15:25:06+02:00Tomas,2018-09-20:/my-first-post-english.html<p>Dear everybody,</p> <p>it is time to start.</p> <p>It is time I try to put some order nto my ideas and make them available to others, and to me of tomorrow. I do not pretend to make up a serious blog, to keep it updated or whatever. I'd like most of …</p><p>Dear everybody,</p> <p>it is time to start.</p> <p>It is time I try to put some order nto my ideas and make them available to others, and to me of tomorrow. I do not pretend to make up a serious blog, to keep it updated or whatever. I'd like most of all to have a method to share what I thought and realized with the rest of the web. I also hope friends and lovers will be able to write her, overpassing the tricks of github.</p> <p>So, to start, I will try to publish here the following topics:</p> <blockquote> <ul class="simple"> <li>Ideas in neuroscience I think are cool</li> <li>Ideas and other think I rescue about identity and depersonalization</li> <li>Events of my life with a broader relevance</li> <li>Suggestions and trickes (someone's else blog too)</li> <li>I will not publish tips&amp;tricks of informatics</li> </ul> </blockquote> <p>Also I will endeavor to make my amazing collection of non-sense image available to everybody.</p> <p>Thanks myself for have spent this time on the fucking pelican system. Thanks everybody for a occasional support,</p> <p>your</p> <p>Tomas Parzen</p>