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Elimina 'plugin/notes.html'

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-<!doctype html>
-<html lang="en">
-	<head>
-		<meta charset="utf-8">
-		<title>reveal.js - Slide Notes</title>
-		<style>
-			body {
-				font-family: Helvetica;
-				font-size: 18px;
-			}
-			#current-slide,
-			#upcoming-slide,
-			#speaker-controls {
-				padding: 6px;
-				box-sizing: border-box;
-				-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-			}
-			#current-slide iframe,
-			#upcoming-slide iframe {
-				width: 100%;
-				height: 100%;
-				border: 1px solid #ddd;
-			}
-			#current-slide .label,
-			#upcoming-slide .label {
-				position: absolute;
-				top: 10px;
-				left: 10px;
-				z-index: 2;
-			}
-			#connection-status {
-				position: absolute;
-				top: 0;
-				left: 0;
-				width: 100%;
-				height: 100%;
-				z-index: 20;
-				padding: 30% 20% 20% 20%;
-				font-size: 18px;
-				color: #222;
-				background: #fff;
-				text-align: center;
-				box-sizing: border-box;
-				line-height: 1.4;
-			}
-			.overlay-element {
-				height: 34px;
-				line-height: 34px;
-				padding: 0 10px;
-				text-shadow: none;
-				background: rgba( 220, 220, 220, 0.8 );
-				color: #222;
-				font-size: 14px;
-			}
-			.overlay-element.interactive:hover {
-				background: rgba( 220, 220, 220, 1 );
-			}
-			#current-slide {
-				position: absolute;
-				width: 60%;
-				height: 100%;
-				top: 0;
-				left: 0;
-				padding-right: 0;
-			}
-			#upcoming-slide {
-				position: absolute;
-				width: 40%;
-				height: 40%;
-				right: 0;
-				top: 0;
-			}
-			/* Speaker controls */
-			#speaker-controls {
-				position: absolute;
-				top: 40%;
-				right: 0;
-				width: 40%;
-				height: 60%;
-				overflow: auto;
-				font-size: 18px;
-			}
-				.speaker-controls-time.hidden,
-				.speaker-controls-notes.hidden {
-					display: none;
-				}
-				.speaker-controls-time .label,
-				.speaker-controls-pace .label,
-				.speaker-controls-notes .label {
-					text-transform: uppercase;
-					font-weight: normal;
-					font-size: 0.66em;
-					color: #666;
-					margin: 0;
-				}
-				.speaker-controls-time, .speaker-controls-pace {
-					border-bottom: 1px solid rgba( 200, 200, 200, 0.5 );
-					margin-bottom: 10px;
-					padding: 10px 16px;
-					padding-bottom: 20px;
-					cursor: pointer;
-				}
-				.speaker-controls-time .reset-button {
-					opacity: 0;
-					float: right;
-					color: #666;
-					text-decoration: none;
-				}
-				.speaker-controls-time:hover .reset-button {
-					opacity: 1;
-				}
-				.speaker-controls-time .timer,
-				.speaker-controls-time .clock {
-					width: 50%;
-				}
-				.speaker-controls-time .timer,
-				.speaker-controls-time .clock,
-				.speaker-controls-time .pacing .hours-value,
-				.speaker-controls-time .pacing .minutes-value,
-				.speaker-controls-time .pacing .seconds-value {
-					font-size: 1.9em;
-				}
-				.speaker-controls-time .timer {
-					float: left;
-				}
-				.speaker-controls-time .clock {
-					float: right;
-					text-align: right;
-				}
-				.speaker-controls-time span.mute {
-					opacity: 0.3;
-				}
-				.speaker-controls-time .pacing-title {
-					margin-top: 5px;
-				}
-				.speaker-controls-time .pacing.ahead {
-					color: blue;
-				}
-				.speaker-controls-time .pacing.on-track {
-					color: green;
-				}
-				.speaker-controls-time .pacing.behind {
-					color: red;
-				}
-				.speaker-controls-notes {
-					padding: 10px 16px;
-				}
-				.speaker-controls-notes .value {
-					margin-top: 5px;
-					line-height: 1.4;
-					font-size: 1.2em;
-				}
-			/* Layout selector */
-			#speaker-layout {
-				position: absolute;
-				top: 10px;
-				right: 10px;
-				color: #222;
-				z-index: 10;
-			}
-				#speaker-layout select {
-					position: absolute;
-					width: 100%;
-					height: 100%;
-					top: 0;
-					left: 0;
-					border: 0;
-					box-shadow: 0;
-					cursor: pointer;
-					opacity: 0;
-					font-size: 1em;
-					background-color: transparent;
-					-moz-appearance: none;
-					-webkit-appearance: none;
-					-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
-				}
-				#speaker-layout select:focus {
-					outline: none;
-					box-shadow: none;
-				}
-			.clear {
-				clear: both;
-			}
-			/* Speaker layout: Wide */
-			body[data-speaker-layout="wide"] #current-slide,
-			body[data-speaker-layout="wide"] #upcoming-slide {
-				width: 50%;
-				height: 45%;
-				padding: 6px;
-			}
-			body[data-speaker-layout="wide"] #current-slide {
-				top: 0;
-				left: 0;
-			}
-			body[data-speaker-layout="wide"] #upcoming-slide {
-				top: 0;
-				left: 50%;
-			}
-			body[data-speaker-layout="wide"] #speaker-controls {
-				top: 45%;
-				left: 0;
-				width: 100%;
-				height: 50%;
-				font-size: 1.25em;
-			}
-			/* Speaker layout: Tall */
-			body[data-speaker-layout="tall"] #current-slide,
-			body[data-speaker-layout="tall"] #upcoming-slide {
-				width: 45%;
-				height: 50%;
-				padding: 6px;
-			}
-			body[data-speaker-layout="tall"] #current-slide {
-				top: 0;
-				left: 0;
-			}
-			body[data-speaker-layout="tall"] #upcoming-slide {
-				top: 50%;
-				left: 0;
-			}
-			body[data-speaker-layout="tall"] #speaker-controls {
-				padding-top: 40px;
-				top: 0;
-				left: 45%;
-				width: 55%;
-				height: 100%;
-				font-size: 1.25em;
-			}
-			/* Speaker layout: Notes only */
-			body[data-speaker-layout="notes-only"] #current-slide,
-			body[data-speaker-layout="notes-only"] #upcoming-slide {
-				display: none;
-			}
-			body[data-speaker-layout="notes-only"] #speaker-controls {
-				padding-top: 40px;
-				top: 0;
-				left: 0;
-				width: 100%;
-				height: 100%;
-				font-size: 1.25em;
-			}
-			@media screen and (max-width: 1080px) {
-				body[data-speaker-layout="default"] #speaker-controls {
-					font-size: 16px;
-				}
-			}
-			@media screen and (max-width: 900px) {
-				body[data-speaker-layout="default"] #speaker-controls {
-					font-size: 14px;
-				}
-			}
-			@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
-				body[data-speaker-layout="default"] #speaker-controls {
-					font-size: 12px;
-				}
-			}
-		</style>
-	</head>
-	<body>
-		<div id="connection-status">Loading speaker view...</div>
-		<div id="current-slide"></div>
-		<div id="upcoming-slide"><span class="overlay-element label">Upcoming</span></div>
-		<div id="speaker-controls">
-			<div class="speaker-controls-time">
-				<h4 class="label">Time <span class="reset-button">Click to Reset</span></h4>
-				<div class="clock">
-					<span class="clock-value">0:00 AM</span>
-				</div>
-				<div class="timer">
-					<span class="hours-value">00</span><span class="minutes-value">:00</span><span class="seconds-value">:00</span>
-				</div>
-				<div class="clear"></div>
-				<h4 class="label pacing-title" style="display: none">Pacing – Time to finish current slide</h4>
-				<div class="pacing" style="display: none">
-					<span class="hours-value">00</span><span class="minutes-value">:00</span><span class="seconds-value">:00</span>
-				</div>
-			</div>
-			<div class="speaker-controls-notes hidden">
-				<h4 class="label">Notes</h4>
-				<div class="value"></div>
-			</div>
-		</div>
-		<div id="speaker-layout" class="overlay-element interactive">
-			<span class="speaker-layout-label"></span>
-			<select class="speaker-layout-dropdown"></select>
-		</div>
-		<script src="../../plugin/markdown/marked.js"></script>
-		<script>
-			(function() {
-				var notes,
-					notesValue,
-					currentState,
-					currentSlide,
-					upcomingSlide,
-					layoutLabel,
-					layoutDropdown,
-					connected = false;
-				var SPEAKER_LAYOUTS = {
-					'default': 'Default',
-					'wide': 'Wide',
-					'tall': 'Tall',
-					'notes-only': 'Notes only'
-				};
-				setupLayout();
-				var connectionStatus = document.querySelector( '#connection-status' );
-				var connectionTimeout = setTimeout( function() {
-					connectionStatus.innerHTML = 'Error connecting to main window.<br>Please try closing and reopening the speaker view.';
-				}, 5000 );
-				window.addEventListener( 'message', function( event ) {
-					clearTimeout( connectionTimeout );
-					connectionStatus.style.display = 'none';
-					var data = JSON.parse( event.data );
-					// The overview mode is only useful to the reveal.js instance
-					// where navigation occurs so we don't sync it
-					if( data.state ) delete data.state.overview;
-					// Messages sent by the notes plugin inside of the main window
-					if( data && data.namespace === 'reveal-notes' ) {
-						if( data.type === 'connect' ) {
-							handleConnectMessage( data );
-						}
-						else if( data.type === 'state' ) {
-							handleStateMessage( data );
-						}
-					}
-					// Messages sent by the reveal.js inside of the current slide preview
-					else if( data && data.namespace === 'reveal' ) {
-						if( /ready/.test( data.eventName ) ) {
-							// Send a message back to notify that the handshake is complete
-							window.opener.postMessage( JSON.stringify({ namespace: 'reveal-notes', type: 'connected'} ), '*' );
-						}
-						else if( /slidechanged|fragmentshown|fragmenthidden|paused|resumed/.test( data.eventName ) && currentState !== JSON.stringify( data.state ) ) {
-							window.opener.postMessage( JSON.stringify({ method: 'setState', args: [ data.state ]} ), '*' );
-						}
-					}
-				} );
-				/**
-				 * Called when the main window is trying to establish a
-				 * connection.
-				 */
-				function handleConnectMessage( data ) {
-					if( connected === false ) {
-						connected = true;
-						setupIframes( data );
-						setupKeyboard();
-						setupNotes();
-						setupTimer();
-					}
-				}
-				/**
-				 * Called when the main window sends an updated state.
-				 */
-				function handleStateMessage( data ) {
-					// Store the most recently set state to avoid circular loops
-					// applying the same state
-					currentState = JSON.stringify( data.state );
-					// No need for updating the notes in case of fragment changes
-					if ( data.notes ) {
-						notes.classList.remove( 'hidden' );
-						notesValue.style.whiteSpace = data.whitespace;
-						if( data.markdown ) {
-							notesValue.innerHTML = marked( data.notes );
-						}
-						else {
-							notesValue.innerHTML = data.notes;
-						}
-					}
-					else {
-						notes.classList.add( 'hidden' );
-					}
-					// Update the note slides
-					currentSlide.contentWindow.postMessage( JSON.stringify({ method: 'setState', args: [ data.state ] }), '*' );
-					upcomingSlide.contentWindow.postMessage( JSON.stringify({ method: 'setState', args: [ data.state ] }), '*' );
-					upcomingSlide.contentWindow.postMessage( JSON.stringify({ method: 'next' }), '*' );
-				}
-				// Limit to max one state update per X ms
-				handleStateMessage = debounce( handleStateMessage, 200 );
-				/**
-				 * Forward keyboard events to the current slide window.
-				 * This enables keyboard events to work even if focus
-				 * isn't set on the current slide iframe.
-				 *
-				 * Block F5 default handling, it reloads and disconnects
-				 * the speaker notes window.
-				 */
-				function setupKeyboard() {
-					document.addEventListener( 'keydown', function( event ) {
-						if( event.keyCode === 116 || ( event.metaKey && event.keyCode === 82 ) ) {
-							event.preventDefault();
-							return false;
-						}
-						currentSlide.contentWindow.postMessage( JSON.stringify({ method: 'triggerKey', args: [ event.keyCode ] }), '*' );
-					} );
-				}
-				/**
-				 * Creates the preview iframes.
-				 */
-				function setupIframes( data ) {
-					var params = [
-						'receiver',
-						'progress=false',
-						'history=false',
-						'transition=none',
-						'autoSlide=0',
-						'backgroundTransition=none'
-					].join( '&' );
-					var urlSeparator = /\?/.test(data.url) ? '&' : '?';
-					var hash = '#/' + data.state.indexh + '/' + data.state.indexv;
-					var currentURL = data.url + urlSeparator + params + '&postMessageEvents=true' + hash;
-					var upcomingURL = data.url + urlSeparator + params + '&controls=false' + hash;
-					currentSlide = document.createElement( 'iframe' );
-					currentSlide.setAttribute( 'width', 1280 );
-					currentSlide.setAttribute( 'height', 1024 );
-					currentSlide.setAttribute( 'src', currentURL );
-					document.querySelector( '#current-slide' ).appendChild( currentSlide );
-					upcomingSlide = document.createElement( 'iframe' );
-					upcomingSlide.setAttribute( 'width', 640 );
-					upcomingSlide.setAttribute( 'height', 512 );
-					upcomingSlide.setAttribute( 'src', upcomingURL );
-					document.querySelector( '#upcoming-slide' ).appendChild( upcomingSlide );
-				}
-				/**
-				 * Setup the notes UI.
-				 */
-				function setupNotes() {
-					notes = document.querySelector( '.speaker-controls-notes' );
-					notesValue = document.querySelector( '.speaker-controls-notes .value' );
-				}
-				function getTimings() {
-					var slides = Reveal.getSlides();
-					var defaultTiming = Reveal.getConfig().defaultTiming;
-					if (defaultTiming == null) {
-						return null;
-					}
-					var timings = [];
-					for ( var i in slides ) {
-						var slide = slides[i];
-						var timing = defaultTiming;
-						if( slide.hasAttribute( 'data-timing' )) {
-							var t = slide.getAttribute( 'data-timing' );
-							timing = parseInt(t);
-							if( isNaN(timing) ) {
-								console.warn("Could not parse timing '" + t + "' of slide " + i + "; using default of " + defaultTiming);
-								timing = defaultTiming;
-							}
-						}
-						timings.push(timing);
-					}
-					return timings;
-				}
-				/**
-				 * Return the number of seconds allocated for presenting
-				 * all slides up to and including this one.
-				 */
-				function getTimeAllocated(timings) {
-					var slides = Reveal.getSlides();
-					var allocated = 0;
-					var currentSlide = Reveal.getSlidePastCount();
-					for (var i in slides.slice(0, currentSlide + 1)) {
-						allocated += timings[i];
-					}
-					return allocated;
-				}
-				/**
-				 * Create the timer and clock and start updating them
-				 * at an interval.
-				 */
-				function setupTimer() {
-					var start = new Date(),
-					timeEl = document.querySelector( '.speaker-controls-time' ),
-					clockEl = timeEl.querySelector( '.clock-value' ),
-					hoursEl = timeEl.querySelector( '.hours-value' ),
-					minutesEl = timeEl.querySelector( '.minutes-value' ),
-					secondsEl = timeEl.querySelector( '.seconds-value' ),
-					pacingTitleEl = timeEl.querySelector( '.pacing-title' ),
-					pacingEl = timeEl.querySelector( '.pacing' ),
-					pacingHoursEl = pacingEl.querySelector( '.hours-value' ),
-					pacingMinutesEl = pacingEl.querySelector( '.minutes-value' ),
-					pacingSecondsEl = pacingEl.querySelector( '.seconds-value' );
-					var timings = getTimings();
-					if (timings !== null) {
-						pacingTitleEl.style.removeProperty('display');
-						pacingEl.style.removeProperty('display');
-					}
-					function _displayTime( hrEl, minEl, secEl, time) {
-						var sign = Math.sign(time) == -1 ? "-" : "";
-						time = Math.abs(Math.round(time / 1000));
-						var seconds = time % 60;
-						var minutes = Math.floor( time / 60 ) % 60 ;
-						var hours = Math.floor( time / ( 60 * 60 )) ;
-						hrEl.innerHTML = sign + zeroPadInteger( hours );
-						if (hours == 0) {
-							hrEl.classList.add( 'mute' );
-						}
-						else {
-							hrEl.classList.remove( 'mute' );
-						}
-						minEl.innerHTML = ':' + zeroPadInteger( minutes );
-						if (hours == 0 && minutes == 0) {
-							minEl.classList.add( 'mute' );
-						}
-						else {
-							minEl.classList.remove( 'mute' );
-						}
-						secEl.innerHTML = ':' + zeroPadInteger( seconds );
-					}
-					function _updateTimer() {
-						var diff, hours, minutes, seconds,
-						now = new Date();
-						diff = now.getTime() - start.getTime();
-						clockEl.innerHTML = now.toLocaleTimeString( 'en-US', { hour12: true, hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit' } );
-						_displayTime( hoursEl, minutesEl, secondsEl, diff );
-						if (timings !== null) {
-							_updatePacing(diff);
-						}
-					}
-					function _updatePacing(diff) {
-						var slideEndTiming = getTimeAllocated(timings) * 1000;
-						var currentSlide = Reveal.getSlidePastCount();
-						var currentSlideTiming = timings[currentSlide] * 1000;
-						var timeLeftCurrentSlide = slideEndTiming - diff;
-						if (timeLeftCurrentSlide < 0) {
-							pacingEl.className = 'pacing behind';
-						}
-						else if (timeLeftCurrentSlide < currentSlideTiming) {
-							pacingEl.className = 'pacing on-track';
-						}
-						else {
-							pacingEl.className = 'pacing ahead';
-						}
-						_displayTime( pacingHoursEl, pacingMinutesEl, pacingSecondsEl, timeLeftCurrentSlide );
-					}
-					// Update once directly
-					_updateTimer();
-					// Then update every second
-					setInterval( _updateTimer, 1000 );
-					function _resetTimer() {
-						if (timings == null) {
-							start = new Date();
-						}
-						else {
-							// Reset timer to beginning of current slide
-							var slideEndTiming = getTimeAllocated(timings) * 1000;
-							var currentSlide = Reveal.getSlidePastCount();
-							var currentSlideTiming = timings[currentSlide] * 1000;
-							var previousSlidesTiming = slideEndTiming - currentSlideTiming;
-							var now = new Date();
-							start = new Date(now.getTime() - previousSlidesTiming);
-						}
-						_updateTimer();
-					}
-					timeEl.addEventListener( 'click', function() {
-						_resetTimer();
-						return false;
-					} );
-				}
-				/**
-				 * Sets up the speaker view layout and layout selector.
-				 */
-				function setupLayout() {
-					layoutDropdown = document.querySelector( '.speaker-layout-dropdown' );
-					layoutLabel = document.querySelector( '.speaker-layout-label' );
-					// Render the list of available layouts
-					for( var id in SPEAKER_LAYOUTS ) {
-						var option = document.createElement( 'option' );
-						option.setAttribute( 'value', id );
-						option.textContent = SPEAKER_LAYOUTS[ id ];
-						layoutDropdown.appendChild( option );
-					}
-					// Monitor the dropdown for changes
-					layoutDropdown.addEventListener( 'change', function( event ) {
-						setLayout( layoutDropdown.value );
-					}, false );
-					// Restore any currently persisted layout
-					setLayout( getLayout() );
-				}
-				/**
-				 * Sets a new speaker view layout. The layout is persisted
-				 * in local storage.
-				 */
-				function setLayout( value ) {
-					var title = SPEAKER_LAYOUTS[ value ];
-					layoutLabel.innerHTML = 'Layout' + ( title ? ( ': ' + title ) : '' );
-					layoutDropdown.value = value;
-					document.body.setAttribute( 'data-speaker-layout', value );
-					// Persist locally
-					if( supportsLocalStorage() ) {
-						window.localStorage.setItem( 'reveal-speaker-layout', value );
-					}
-				}
-				/**
-				 * Returns the ID of the most recently set speaker layout
-				 * or our default layout if none has been set.
-				 */
-				function getLayout() {
-					if( supportsLocalStorage() ) {
-						var layout = window.localStorage.getItem( 'reveal-speaker-layout' );
-						if( layout ) {
-							return layout;
-						}
-					}
-					// Default to the first record in the layouts hash
-					for( var id in SPEAKER_LAYOUTS ) {
-						return id;
-					}
-				}
-				function supportsLocalStorage() {
-					try {
-						localStorage.setItem('test', 'test');
-						localStorage.removeItem('test');
-						return true;
-					}
-					catch( e ) {
-						return false;
-					}
-				}
-				function zeroPadInteger( num ) {
-					var str = '00' + parseInt( num );
-					return str.substring( str.length - 2 );
-				}
-				/**
-				 * Limits the frequency at which a function can be called.
-				 */
-				function debounce( fn, ms ) {
-					var lastTime = 0,
-						timeout;
-					return function() {
-						var args = arguments;
-						var context = this;
-						clearTimeout( timeout );
-						var timeSinceLastCall = Date.now() - lastTime;
-						if( timeSinceLastCall > ms ) {
-							fn.apply( context, args );
-							lastTime = Date.now();
-						}
-						else {
-							timeout = setTimeout( function() {
-								fn.apply( context, args );
-								lastTime = Date.now();
-							}, ms - timeSinceLastCall );
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			})();
-		</script>
-	</body>