ZIM - Zsh IMproved ==================
What is Zim? ------------ Zim is a Zsh configuration framework with blazing speed and modular extensions. Zim is very easy to customize, and comes with a rich set of modules and features without compromising on speed or functionality! What does Zim offer? ----------------- If you're here, it means you want to see the cool shit Zim can do. Check out the [available modules](https://github.com/Eriner/zim/wiki/Modules)! Below is a brief showcase of Zim's features. #### Themes ###### Steeef ![Steeef Theme][theme_steeef] ###### Eriner ![Eriner Theme][theme_eriner] ###### Minimal ![Minimal Theme][theme_minimal] ###### Liquidprompt ![Liquidprompt][theme_liquidprompt] ###### Gitster ![Gitster Theme][theme_gitster] #### Fish-shell History Navigation ![history-substring-search][fish_shell] #### Syntax Highlighting ![syntax-highlighting][syntax_highlighting] #### Speed For a speed comparison between zim and other frameworks, see [this gist][zim_vs_others]. #### And much more! Zim has many modules! Enable as many or as few as you'd like. Installation ------------ Installing Zim is easy. If you have a different shell framework installed (like oh-my-zsh or prezto), uninstall those first to prevent conflicts. 1. In Zsh, clone the repository: ``` git clone --recursive https://github.com/Eriner/zim.git ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zim ``` 2. Copy the template configuration files (or append to existing configs): ``` setopt EXTENDED_GLOB for template_file ( ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zim/templates/* ); do cat ${template_file} | tee -a ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.$(basename ${template_file}) > /dev/null done ``` 3. Set Zsh as the default shell: ``` chsh -s $(which zsh) ``` 4. Open a new terminal and admire your work! [theme_minimal]: http://i.eriner.me/zim_prompt_minimal.png [theme_eriner]: https://i.eriner.me/zim_prompt_eriner.png [theme_liquidprompt]: http://i.eriner.me/zim_prompt_liquidprompt.png [theme_steeef]: http://i.eriner.me/zim_prompt_steeef.png [theme_gitster]: http://i.eriner.me/zim_prompt_gitster.png [fish_shell]: https://i.eriner.me/zim_history-substring-search.gif [syntax_highlighting]: https://i.eriner.me/zim_syntax-highlighting.gif [zim_vs_others]: https://gist.github.com/Eriner/3aa88b161615c2913930