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going on with etherpad role, using postgresql, nodejs and caddy as deps

les пре 3 година

+ 11 - 1

@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
 # infra
+tentativo di mantenere le cose ordinate, ansible Vagrant e altri amenuncoli
+## Roles:
+### Common
+### nodejs
+### etherpad
+### caddy
-tentativo di mantenere le cose ordinate :D ansible Vagrant e altri amenuncoli

+ 13 - 98

@@ -1,99 +1,14 @@
-  title: "Etherpad"
-  favicon: "favicon.ico"
-  ip:
-  port: 9001
-  users: []
-  #  -
-  #    name: admin
-  #    password: ""
-  #    is_admin: "true"
-  default_text: '"Welcome to Etherpad!\\n\\nThis pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents!\\n\\nGet involved with Etherpad at http:\\/\\/etherpad.org\\n"'
-  pad_options_no_colors: "false"
-  pad_options_show_controls: "true"
-  pad_options_show_chat: "true"
-  pad_options_show_line_numbers: "true"
-  pad_options_use_monospace_font: "false"
-  pad_options_user_name: "false"
-  pad_options_user_color: "false"
-  pad_options_rtl: "false"
-  pad_options_always_show_chat: "false"
-  pad_options_chat_and_users: "false"
-  pad_options_lang: "en-gb"
-  pad_shortcut_alt_f9: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_alt_c: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_cmd_shft_2: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_delete: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_return: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_esc: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_cmd_s: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_tab: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_cmd_z: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_cmd_y: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_cmd_i: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_cmd_b: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_cmd_u: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_cmd_5: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_l: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_n: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_1: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_c: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_cmd_h: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_ctrl_home: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_page_up: "true"
-  pad_shortcut_page_down: "true"
-  suppress_errors_in_pad_text: "false"
-  require_session: "false"
-  edit_only: "false"
-  session_no_password: "false"
-  minify: "true"
-  max_age: 21600
-  abiword: "null"
-  soffice: "null"
-  tidyhtml: "null"
-  allow_unknown_file_ends: "true"
-  require_authentication: "false"
-  require_authorization: "false"
-  trust_proxy: "false"
-  socket_transport_protocols: ["xhr-polling", "jsonp-polling", "htmlfile"]
-  load_test: "false"
-  indentation_on_new_line: "false"
-  automatic_reconnection_timeout: 0
-  expose_version: "false"
-  toolbar:
-    left:
-      - ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough"]
-      - ["orderedlist", "unorderedlist", "indent", "outdent"]
-      - ["undo", "redo"]
-      - ["clearauthorship"]
-    right:
-      - ["importexport", "timeslider", "savedrevision"]
-      - ["settings", "embed"]
-      - ["showusers"]
-    timeslider:
-      - ["timeslider_export", "timeslider_returnToPad"]
-  log_level: "INFO"
-  abiword_enabled: False
-  console_enabled: False
-  monit_enabled: False
-  # list of etherpad plugins to be installed
-  plugins: []
-  plugins_state: present
-  mysql_database_host: /var/run/postgresql
-  mysql_database_name: etherpad
-  mysql_database_user: etherpad
-  mysql_database_password: etherpad
-  mysql_database_port: 3306
-  # Recommendation for large setups is MyISAM
-  mysql_database_engine: InnoDB
-  mysql_database_collation: utf8mb4_bin
-  mysql_database_charset: utf8mb4
-  # Settings for plugin 'ep_table_of_contents'
-  toc_disable: "true"
-  # Settings for plugin 'ep_auth_author'
-  # auth_author_prefix:
+title: "Etherpad"
+favicon: "favicon.ico"
+hostname: ""
+database_password: "{{lookup('password', './database_password')}}"
+pad_options_lang: 'it-it'
+plugins: ['ep_comments_page', 'ep_headings2', 'ep_markdown', 'ep_align', 'ep_page_view']
+pad_default_text: |
+  Welcome to Etherpad!
+  This pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. 
+  This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents!
+  Get involved with Etherpad at"

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- name: restart etherpad-lite
+- name: restart etherpad
-    name: etherpad-lite
+    name: etherpad
     state: restarted

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+  - role: nodejs
+  - role: postgresql
+    vars:
+      username: etherpad
+      password: "{{ database_password }}"
+      database: etherpad
+  - role: caddy
+    vars:
+      caddyfile: |
+        http://{{hostname}}:80
+        reverse_proxy / /tmp/etherpad.socket"

+ 4 - 3

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-- name: Ensure abiword package is installed
+- name: Ensure abiword, soffice, tidy packages are installed
-    pkg: abiword
-    state: present
+    pkg:
+      - abiword
+      - tidy

+ 11 - 9

@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-- include: postgresql.yml
 - name: ensure etherpad user is present
     name: "etherpad"
@@ -19,25 +17,29 @@
 - name: ensure etherpad systemd unit is latest
-    src: etherpad-lite.service.j2
-    dest: /etc/systemd/system/etherpad-lite.service
+    src: etherpad.service.j2
+    dest: /etc/systemd/system/etherpad.service
     owner: root
     group: root
     mode: 0644
 - name: ensure etherpad will start after system is booted
-    name: etherpad-lite
+    name: etherpad
     enabled: yes
+- name: install etherpad deps
+  shell: installDeps.sh
+  args:
+    chdir: /srv/etherpad/etherpad/bin
 - name: install etherpad plugins
     name: "{{ item }}"
-    path: "{{ etherpad.path }}"
-    state: "{{ etherpad.plugins_state }}"
+    path: "/srv/etherpad/etherpad"
   become: true
   become_user: etherpad
-  with_items: "{{ etherpad.plugins|d() }}"
-  notify: restart etherpad-lite
+  with_items: "{{ plugins|d() }}"
+  notify: restart etherpad
 - include: abiword.yml

+ 1 - 0

@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
       - postgresql
       - python3-psycopg2
 - name: Create etherpad postgresql db
   become: yes
   become_user: postgres

+ 0 - 79

@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Provides:          etherpad-lite
-# Required-Start:    $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog
-# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog
-# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
-# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
-# Short-Description: starts etherpad lite
-# Description:       starts etherpad lite using start-stop-daemon
-EPLITE_DIR="{{ etherpad_path }}"
-USER="{{ etherpad_user }}"
-GROUP="{{ etherpad_group }}"
-DESC="Etherpad Lite"
-set -e
-. /lib/lsb/init-functions
-start() {
-  echo "Starting $DESC... "
-    start-stop-daemon --start --chuid "$USER:$GROUP" --background --make-pidfile --pidfile /var/run/$NAME.pid --exec $EPLITE_DIR/$EPLITE_BIN -- $LOGFILE || true
-  echo "done"
-#We need this function to ensure the whole process tree will be killed
-killtree() {
-    local _pid=$1
-    local _sig=${2-TERM}
-    for _child in $(ps -o pid --no-headers --ppid ${_pid}); do
-        killtree ${_child} ${_sig}
-    done
-    kill -${_sig} ${_pid}
-stop() {
-  echo "Stopping $DESC... "
-  if test -f /var/run/$NAME.pid; then
-    while test -d /proc/$(cat /var/run/$NAME.pid); do
-      killtree $(cat /var/run/$NAME.pid) 15
-      sleep 0.5
-    done
-    rm /var/run/$NAME.pid
-  fi
-  echo "done"
-status() {
-  status_of_proc -p /var/run/$NAME.pid "" "etherpad-lite" && exit 0 || exit $?
-case "$1" in
-  start)
-      start
-      ;;
-  stop)
-    stop
-      ;;
-  restart)
-      stop
-      start
-      ;;
-  status)
-      status
-      ;;
-  *)
-      echo "Usage: $NAME {start|stop|restart|status}" >&2
-      exit 1
-      ;;
-exit 0

+ 0 - 0
roles/etherpad/templates/etherpad-lite.service.j2 → roles/etherpad/templates/etherpad.service.j2

+ 78 - 86

@@ -1,74 +1,73 @@
 #jinja2: lstrip_blocks: True
-  "title": "{{ etherpad.title }}",
-  "favicon": "{{ etherpad.favicon }}",
-  "ip": "{{ etherpad.ip }}",
-  "port" : {{ etherpad.port }},
+  "title": "{{ title }}",
+  "favicon": "{{ favicon }}",
+  "ip": "",
+  "port" : "/tmp/etherpad.socket",
   "showSettingsInAdminPage": false,
   "sessionKey": "{{ etherpad.session_key }}",
   "skinName": "colibris",
-  "dbType": "mysql",
+  "dbType": "postgresql",
   "dbSettings" : {
-    "user"    : "{{ etherpad.mysql_database_user }}",
-    "host"    : "{{ etherpad.mysql_database_host }}",
-    "port"    : {{ etherpad.mysql_database_port }},
-    "password": "{{ etherpad.mysql_database_password }}",
-    "database": "{{ etherpad.mysql_database_name }}",
-    "charset" : "{{ etherpad.mysql_database_charset }}"
+    "user"    : "etherpad",
+    "host"    : "/var/run/postgresql",
+    "password": "{{ database_password }}",
+    "database": "etherpad",
+    "charset" : "utf8mb4"
-  "defaultPadText": {{ etherpad.default_text }},
+  "defaultPadText": "{{ pad_default_text }}",
   "padOptions": {
-    "noColors": {{ etherpad.pad_options_no_colors }},
-    "showControls": {{ etherpad.pad_options_show_controls }},
-    "showChat": {{ etherpad.pad_options_show_chat }},
-    "showLineNumbers": {{ etherpad.pad_options_show_line_numbers }},
-    "useMonospaceFont": {{ etherpad.pad_options_use_monospace_font }},
-    "userName": {{ etherpad.pad_options_user_name }},
-    "userColor": {{ etherpad.pad_options_user_color }},
-    "rtl": {{ etherpad.pad_options_rtl }},
-    "alwaysShowChat": {{ etherpad.pad_options_always_show_chat }},
-    "chatAndUsers": {{ etherpad.pad_options_chat_and_users }},
-    "lang": "{{ etherpad.pad_options_lang }}"
+    "noColors": false,
+    "showControls": true,
+    "showChat": true,
+    "showLineNumbers": true,
+    "useMonospaceFont": true,
+    "userName": true,
+    "userColor": false,
+    "rtl": false,
+    "alwaysShowChat": false,
+    "chatAndUsers": false,
+    "lang": "{{ pad_options_lang }}"
   "padShortcutEnabled" : {
-    "altF9":     {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_alt_f9 }},
-    "altC":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_alt_c }},
-    "cmdShift2": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_shft_2 }},
-    "delete":    {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_delete }},
-    "return":    {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_return }},
-    "esc":       {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_esc }},
-    "cmdS":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_s }},
-    "tab":       {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_tab }},
-    "cmdZ":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_z }},
-    "cmdY":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_y }},
-    "cmdI":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_i }},
-    "cmdB":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_b }},
-    "cmdU":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_u }},
-    "cmd5":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_5 }},
-    "cmdShiftL": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_l }},
-    "cmdShiftN": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_n }},
-    "cmdShift1": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_1 }},
-    "cmdShiftC": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_c }},
-    "cmdH":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_h }},
-    "ctrlHome":  {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_ctrl_home }},
-    "pageUp":    {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_page_up }},
-    "pageDown":  {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_page_down }}
+    "altF9":     true,
+    "altC":      true,
+    "cmdShift2": true,
+    "delete":    true,
+    "return":    true,
+    "esc":       true,
+    "cmdS":      true,
+    "tab":       true,
+    "cmdZ":      true,
+    "cmdY":      true,
+    "cmdI":      true,
+    "cmdB":      true,
+    "cmdU":      true,
+    "cmd5":      true,
+    "cmdShiftL": true,
+    "cmdShiftN": true,
+    "cmdShift1": true,
+    "cmdShiftC": true,
+    "cmdH":      true,
+    "ctrlHome":  true,
+    "pageUp":    true,
+    "pageDown":  true}
-  "suppressErrorsInPadText": {{ etherpad.suppress_errors_in_pad_text }},
-  "requireSession": {{ etherpad.require_session }},
-  "editOnly": {{ etherpad.edit_only }},
-  "sessionNoPassword": {{ etherpad.session_no_password }},
-  "minify": {{ etherpad.minify }},
-  "maxAge": {{ etherpad.max_age }},
-  "abiword": {{ etherpad.abiword }},
-  "soffice": {{ etherpad.soffice }},
-  "tidyHtml": {{ etherpad.tidyhtml }},
-  "allowUnknownFileEnds": {{ etherpad.allow_unknown_file_ends }},
-  "requireAuthentication": {{ etherpad.require_authentication }},
-  "requireAuthorization": {{ etherpad.require_authorization }},
-  "trustProxy": {{ etherpad.trust_proxy }},
-  "disableIPlogging": {{ etherpad.disable_ip_logging }},
-  "automaticReconnectionTimeout": {{ etherpad.automatic_reconnection_timeout }},
+  "suppressErrorsInPadText": false,
+  "requireSession": false,
+  "editOnly": false,
+  "sessionNoPassword": false,
+  "minify": true,
+  "maxAge": 21600,
+  "abiword": "/usr/bin/abiword",
+  "soffice": "/usr/bin/soffice",
+  "tidyHtml": "/usr/bin/tidy",
+  "allowUnknownFileEnds": true,
+  "requireAuthentication": false,
+  "requireAuthorization": false,
+  "trustProxy": false,
+  "disableIPlogging": true,
+  "automaticReconnectionTimeout": 5,
   "scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport": {
     "percentage": {
       "editionAboveViewport": 0,
@@ -78,32 +77,25 @@
     "scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport": false,
     "percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp": 0
-{% if 'ep_table_of_contents' in etherpad.plugins %}
-  "ep_toc": {
-    "disable_by_default": {{ etherpad.toc_disable }}
-  },
-{% endif %}
-{% if 'ep_auth_author' in etherpad.plugins and etherpad.auth_author_prefix is defined %}
-  "ep_auth_author": {
-    "prefix": "{{ etherpad.auth_author_prefix }}"
-  },
-{% endif %}
-  "users": {
-{% for user in etherpad.users %}
-    "{% if user.auth_author is defined and user.auth_author %}{{ etherpad.auth_author_prefix }}{% endif %}{{ user.name }}": {
-      "password": "{{ user.password }}",
-{% if user.auth_author is defined and user.auth_author %}
-      "author_name": "{{ user.name }}",
-{% endif %}
-      "is_admin": {{ user.is_admin }}
-    }{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-  },
-  "socketTransportProtocols": {{ etherpad.socket_transport_protocols|to_json }},
+  "socketTransportProtocols": : ["xhr-polling", "jsonp-polling", "htmlfile"],
   "loadTest": false,
-  "indentationOnNewLine": {{ etherpad.indentation_on_new_line }},
-  "toolbar": {{ etherpad.toolbar|to_json }},
+  "indentationOnNewLine": false,
+  "toolbar": {
+    "left": [
+      ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough"],
+      ["orderedlist", "unorderedlist", "indent", "outdent"],
+      ["undo", "redo"],
+      ["clearauthorship"]
+    ],
+    "right": [
+      ["importexport", "timeslider", "savedrevision"],
+      ["settings", "embed"],
+      ["showusers"]
+    ],
+    "timeslider": [
+       ["timeslider_export", "timeslider_returnToPad"]
+     ]
+  }
   "exposeVersion": false,
-  "loglevel": "{{ etherpad.log_level }}",
+  "loglevel": "WARN",

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# cisti.org postgresql
+- installa postgresql
+- se specificato crea un db e un utente con tutti i permessi su quel db

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+username: false
+password: false
+database: false

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+- name: Install postgresql
+  apt:
+    pkg: 
+      - acl
+      - postgresql
+      - python3-psycopg2
+- name: Create postgresql db
+  become: true
+  become_user: postgres
+  postgresql_db:
+    name: "{{database}}"
+  when: database != false
+- name: Create postgresql user
+  when: username != false
+  become: true
+  become_user: postgres
+  postgresql_user:
+    db: "{{database}}"
+    name: "{{username}}"
+    password: "{{password}}"