
start with etherpad

les 4 年之前

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+language: python
+cache: pip
+  - MOLECULE_DISTRO=debian10
+  - MOLECULE_DISTRO=debian9
+  - MOLECULE_DISTRO=ubuntu1804
+  - MOLECULE_DISTRO=ubuntu1604
+  # Install test dependencies.
+  - pip install molecule docker ansible-lint yamllint
+  - molecule test -s docker
+  webhooks: https://galaxy.ansible.com/api/v1/notifications/

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+extends: default
+  braces:
+    max-spaces-inside: 1
+    level: error
+  brackets:
+    max-spaces-inside: 1
+    level: error
+  line-length: disable
+  truthy: disable

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+  title: "Etherpad"
+  favicon: "favicon.ico"
+  ip:
+  port: 9001
+  users: []
+  #  -
+  #    name: admin
+  #    password: ""
+  #    is_admin: "true"
+  default_text: '"Welcome to Etherpad!\\n\\nThis pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents!\\n\\nGet involved with Etherpad at http:\\/\\/etherpad.org\\n"'
+  pad_options_no_colors: "false"
+  pad_options_show_controls: "true"
+  pad_options_show_chat: "true"
+  pad_options_show_line_numbers: "true"
+  pad_options_use_monospace_font: "false"
+  pad_options_user_name: "false"
+  pad_options_user_color: "false"
+  pad_options_rtl: "false"
+  pad_options_always_show_chat: "false"
+  pad_options_chat_and_users: "false"
+  pad_options_lang: "en-gb"
+  pad_shortcut_alt_f9: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_alt_c: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_cmd_shft_2: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_delete: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_return: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_esc: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_cmd_s: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_tab: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_cmd_z: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_cmd_y: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_cmd_i: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_cmd_b: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_cmd_u: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_cmd_5: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_l: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_n: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_1: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_c: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_cmd_h: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_ctrl_home: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_page_up: "true"
+  pad_shortcut_page_down: "true"
+  suppress_errors_in_pad_text: "false"
+  require_session: "false"
+  edit_only: "false"
+  session_no_password: "false"
+  minify: "true"
+  max_age: 21600
+  abiword: "null"
+  soffice: "null"
+  tidyhtml: "null"
+  allow_unknown_file_ends: "true"
+  require_authentication: "false"
+  require_authorization: "false"
+  trust_proxy: "false"
+  socket_transport_protocols: ["xhr-polling", "jsonp-polling", "htmlfile"]
+  load_test: "false"
+  indentation_on_new_line: "false"
+  automatic_reconnection_timeout: 0
+  expose_version: "false"
+  toolbar:
+    left:
+      - ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough"]
+      - ["orderedlist", "unorderedlist", "indent", "outdent"]
+      - ["undo", "redo"]
+      - ["clearauthorship"]
+    right:
+      - ["importexport", "timeslider", "savedrevision"]
+      - ["settings", "embed"]
+      - ["showusers"]
+    timeslider:
+      - ["timeslider_export", "timeslider_returnToPad"]
+  log_level: "INFO"
+  abiword_enabled: False
+  console_enabled: False
+  monit_enabled: False
+  # list of etherpad plugins to be installed
+  plugins: []
+  plugins_state: present
+  mysql_database_host: /var/run/postgresql
+  mysql_database_name: etherpad
+  mysql_database_user: etherpad
+  mysql_database_password: etherpad
+  mysql_database_port: 3306
+  # Recommendation for large setups is MyISAM
+  mysql_database_engine: InnoDB
+  mysql_database_collation: utf8mb4_bin
+  mysql_database_charset: utf8mb4
+  # Settings for plugin 'ep_table_of_contents'
+  toc_disable: "true"
+  # Settings for plugin 'ep_auth_author'
+  # auth_author_prefix:

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+- name: restart etherpad-lite
+  service:
+    name: etherpad-lite
+    state: restarted

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- name: Ensure abiword package is installed
+  apt:
+    pkg: abiword
+    state: present

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+- include: postgresql.yml
+- name: ensure etherpad user is present
+  user:
+    name: "etherpad"
+    home: "/srv/etherpad"
+    shell: "/bin/bash"
+    state: present
+- name: ensure etherpad is latest
+  git:
+    repo: "https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite"
+    dest: "/srv/etherpad/etherpad"
+    version: "master"
+  become: true
+  become_user: "etherpad"
+  register: repository
+- name: ensure etherpad systemd unit is latest
+  template:
+    src: etherpad-lite.service.j2
+    dest: /etc/systemd/system/etherpad-lite.service
+    owner: root
+    group: root
+    mode: 0644
+- name: ensure etherpad will start after system is booted
+  service:
+    name: etherpad-lite
+    enabled: yes
+- name: install etherpad plugins
+  npm:
+    name: "{{ item }}"
+    path: "{{ etherpad.path }}"
+    state: "{{ etherpad.plugins_state }}"
+  become: true
+  become_user: etherpad
+  with_items: "{{ etherpad.plugins|d() }}"
+  notify: restart etherpad-lite
+- include: abiword.yml

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+- name: Install postgresql
+  apt:
+    pkg: 
+      - postgresql
+      - python3-psycopg2
+- name: Create etherpad postgresql db
+  become: yes
+  become_user: postgres
+  postgresql_db:
+    name: etherpad
+- name: Create etherpad postgresql user
+  become: yes
+  become_user: postgres
+  postgresql_user:
+    db: etherpad
+    name: etherpad
+    password: etherpad

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Description=Etherpad-lite, the collaborative editor.
+After=syslog.target network.target
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/nodejs /srv/etherpad/etherpad/node_modules/ep_etherpad-lite/node/server.js

+ 79 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Provides:          etherpad-lite
+# Required-Start:    $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog
+# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog
+# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
+# Short-Description: starts etherpad lite
+# Description:       starts etherpad lite using start-stop-daemon
+EPLITE_DIR="{{ etherpad_path }}"
+USER="{{ etherpad_user }}"
+GROUP="{{ etherpad_group }}"
+DESC="Etherpad Lite"
+set -e
+. /lib/lsb/init-functions
+start() {
+  echo "Starting $DESC... "
+    start-stop-daemon --start --chuid "$USER:$GROUP" --background --make-pidfile --pidfile /var/run/$NAME.pid --exec $EPLITE_DIR/$EPLITE_BIN -- $LOGFILE || true
+  echo "done"
+#We need this function to ensure the whole process tree will be killed
+killtree() {
+    local _pid=$1
+    local _sig=${2-TERM}
+    for _child in $(ps -o pid --no-headers --ppid ${_pid}); do
+        killtree ${_child} ${_sig}
+    done
+    kill -${_sig} ${_pid}
+stop() {
+  echo "Stopping $DESC... "
+  if test -f /var/run/$NAME.pid; then
+    while test -d /proc/$(cat /var/run/$NAME.pid); do
+      killtree $(cat /var/run/$NAME.pid) 15
+      sleep 0.5
+    done
+    rm /var/run/$NAME.pid
+  fi
+  echo "done"
+status() {
+  status_of_proc -p /var/run/$NAME.pid "" "etherpad-lite" && exit 0 || exit $?
+case "$1" in
+  start)
+      start
+      ;;
+  stop)
+    stop
+      ;;
+  restart)
+      stop
+      start
+      ;;
+  status)
+      status
+      ;;
+  *)
+      echo "Usage: $NAME {start|stop|restart|status}" >&2
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+exit 0

+ 109 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: True
+  "title": "{{ etherpad.title }}",
+  "favicon": "{{ etherpad.favicon }}",
+  "ip": "{{ etherpad.ip }}",
+  "port" : {{ etherpad.port }},
+  "showSettingsInAdminPage": false,
+  "sessionKey": "{{ etherpad.session_key }}",
+  "skinName": "colibris",
+  "dbType": "mysql",
+  "dbSettings" : {
+    "user"    : "{{ etherpad.mysql_database_user }}",
+    "host"    : "{{ etherpad.mysql_database_host }}",
+    "port"    : {{ etherpad.mysql_database_port }},
+    "password": "{{ etherpad.mysql_database_password }}",
+    "database": "{{ etherpad.mysql_database_name }}",
+    "charset" : "{{ etherpad.mysql_database_charset }}"
+  },
+  "defaultPadText": {{ etherpad.default_text }},
+  "padOptions": {
+    "noColors": {{ etherpad.pad_options_no_colors }},
+    "showControls": {{ etherpad.pad_options_show_controls }},
+    "showChat": {{ etherpad.pad_options_show_chat }},
+    "showLineNumbers": {{ etherpad.pad_options_show_line_numbers }},
+    "useMonospaceFont": {{ etherpad.pad_options_use_monospace_font }},
+    "userName": {{ etherpad.pad_options_user_name }},
+    "userColor": {{ etherpad.pad_options_user_color }},
+    "rtl": {{ etherpad.pad_options_rtl }},
+    "alwaysShowChat": {{ etherpad.pad_options_always_show_chat }},
+    "chatAndUsers": {{ etherpad.pad_options_chat_and_users }},
+    "lang": "{{ etherpad.pad_options_lang }}"
+  },
+  "padShortcutEnabled" : {
+    "altF9":     {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_alt_f9 }},
+    "altC":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_alt_c }},
+    "cmdShift2": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_shft_2 }},
+    "delete":    {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_delete }},
+    "return":    {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_return }},
+    "esc":       {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_esc }},
+    "cmdS":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_s }},
+    "tab":       {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_tab }},
+    "cmdZ":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_z }},
+    "cmdY":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_y }},
+    "cmdI":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_i }},
+    "cmdB":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_b }},
+    "cmdU":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_u }},
+    "cmd5":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_5 }},
+    "cmdShiftL": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_l }},
+    "cmdShiftN": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_n }},
+    "cmdShift1": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_1 }},
+    "cmdShiftC": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_c }},
+    "cmdH":      {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_h }},
+    "ctrlHome":  {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_ctrl_home }},
+    "pageUp":    {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_page_up }},
+    "pageDown":  {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_page_down }}
+  },
+  "suppressErrorsInPadText": {{ etherpad.suppress_errors_in_pad_text }},
+  "requireSession": {{ etherpad.require_session }},
+  "editOnly": {{ etherpad.edit_only }},
+  "sessionNoPassword": {{ etherpad.session_no_password }},
+  "minify": {{ etherpad.minify }},
+  "maxAge": {{ etherpad.max_age }},
+  "abiword": {{ etherpad.abiword }},
+  "soffice": {{ etherpad.soffice }},
+  "tidyHtml": {{ etherpad.tidyhtml }},
+  "allowUnknownFileEnds": {{ etherpad.allow_unknown_file_ends }},
+  "requireAuthentication": {{ etherpad.require_authentication }},
+  "requireAuthorization": {{ etherpad.require_authorization }},
+  "trustProxy": {{ etherpad.trust_proxy }},
+  "disableIPlogging": {{ etherpad.disable_ip_logging }},
+  "automaticReconnectionTimeout": {{ etherpad.automatic_reconnection_timeout }},
+  "scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport": {
+    "percentage": {
+      "editionAboveViewport": 0,
+      "editionBelowViewport": 0
+    },
+    "duration": 0,
+    "scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport": false,
+    "percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp": 0
+  },
+{% if 'ep_table_of_contents' in etherpad.plugins %}
+  "ep_toc": {
+    "disable_by_default": {{ etherpad.toc_disable }}
+  },
+{% endif %}
+{% if 'ep_auth_author' in etherpad.plugins and etherpad.auth_author_prefix is defined %}
+  "ep_auth_author": {
+    "prefix": "{{ etherpad.auth_author_prefix }}"
+  },
+{% endif %}
+  "users": {
+{% for user in etherpad.users %}
+    "{% if user.auth_author is defined and user.auth_author %}{{ etherpad.auth_author_prefix }}{% endif %}{{ user.name }}": {
+      "password": "{{ user.password }}",
+{% if user.auth_author is defined and user.auth_author %}
+      "author_name": "{{ user.name }}",
+{% endif %}
+      "is_admin": {{ user.is_admin }}
+    }{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+  },
+  "socketTransportProtocols": {{ etherpad.socket_transport_protocols|to_json }},
+  "loadTest": false,
+  "indentationOnNewLine": {{ etherpad.indentation_on_new_line }},
+  "toolbar": {{ etherpad.toolbar|to_json }},
+  "exposeVersion": false,
+  "loglevel": "{{ etherpad.log_level }}",