[Unit] Description=Restic backup [Service] Type=oneshot User={{ restic_user }} CPUQuota={{ 25 * ansible_processor_vcpus }}% {% if restic_ssh_enabled %} Environment="RESTIC_REPOSITORY=sftp:{{ restic_ssh_host }}:{{ restic_repository_name }}" {% else %} Environment="RESTIC_REPOSITORY={{ restic_repository }}" {% endif -%} Environment="RESTIC_PASSWORD={{ restic_password}}" {% if restic_aws_access_key_id is defined and restic_aws_secret_access_key is defined %} Environment="AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={{ restic_aws_access_key_id}}" Environment="AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={{ restic_aws_secret_access_key}}" {% endif %} {% if restic_check %} ExecStartPre={{ restic_path }} check {% endif -%} {% for folder in restic_folders_combined %} ExecStart={{ restic_path }} backup --verbose {{ folder }} {% endfor -%} {% for database in restic_databases %} ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "{{ database.dump_command }} {{ '| pigz |' if restic_dump_compression_enabled else '|' }} {{ restic_path }} backup --verbose --stdin --stdin-filename {{ database.name }}{{ '.sql.gz' if restic_dump_compression_enabled else '.sql' }}" {% endfor -%} {% if restic_forget %} ExecStartPost={{ restic_path }} {% if restic_keep_last is defined and restic_keep_last != false %}--keep-last{{ restic_keep_last }}{% endif %} {% if restic_keep_hourly is defined and restic_keep_hourly != false %}--keep-hourly {{ restic_keep_hourly }}{% endif %} {% if restic_keep_daily is defined and restic_keep_daily != false %}--keep-daily {{ restic_keep_daily }}{% endif %} {% if restic_keep_weekly is defined and restic_keep_weekly != false %}--keep-weekly {{ restic_keep_weekly }}{% endif %} {% if restic_keep_monthly is defined and restic_keep_monthly != false %}--keep-monthly {{ restic_keep_monthly }}{% endif %} {% if restic_keep_yearly is defined and restic_keep_yearly != false %}--keep-yearly {{ restic_keep_yearly }}{% endif %} {% if restic_keep_within is defined and restic_keep_within != false %}--keep-within {{ restic_keep_within }}{% endif %} {% endif -%} forget {% if restic_prune %} ExecStartPost={{ restic_path }} prune {% endif -%}