settings.json.j2 4.5 KB

  1. #jinja2: lstrip_blocks: True
  2. {
  3. "title": "{{ etherpad.title }}",
  4. "favicon": "{{ etherpad.favicon }}",
  5. "ip": "{{ etherpad.ip }}",
  6. "port" : {{ etherpad.port }},
  7. "showSettingsInAdminPage": false,
  8. "sessionKey": "{{ etherpad.session_key }}",
  9. "skinName": "colibris",
  10. "dbType": "mysql",
  11. "dbSettings" : {
  12. "user" : "{{ etherpad.mysql_database_user }}",
  13. "host" : "{{ etherpad.mysql_database_host }}",
  14. "port" : {{ etherpad.mysql_database_port }},
  15. "password": "{{ etherpad.mysql_database_password }}",
  16. "database": "{{ etherpad.mysql_database_name }}",
  17. "charset" : "{{ etherpad.mysql_database_charset }}"
  18. },
  19. "defaultPadText": {{ etherpad.default_text }},
  20. "padOptions": {
  21. "noColors": {{ etherpad.pad_options_no_colors }},
  22. "showControls": {{ etherpad.pad_options_show_controls }},
  23. "showChat": {{ etherpad.pad_options_show_chat }},
  24. "showLineNumbers": {{ etherpad.pad_options_show_line_numbers }},
  25. "useMonospaceFont": {{ etherpad.pad_options_use_monospace_font }},
  26. "userName": {{ etherpad.pad_options_user_name }},
  27. "userColor": {{ etherpad.pad_options_user_color }},
  28. "rtl": {{ etherpad.pad_options_rtl }},
  29. "alwaysShowChat": {{ etherpad.pad_options_always_show_chat }},
  30. "chatAndUsers": {{ etherpad.pad_options_chat_and_users }},
  31. "lang": "{{ etherpad.pad_options_lang }}"
  32. },
  33. "padShortcutEnabled" : {
  34. "altF9": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_alt_f9 }},
  35. "altC": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_alt_c }},
  36. "cmdShift2": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_shft_2 }},
  37. "delete": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_delete }},
  38. "return": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_return }},
  39. "esc": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_esc }},
  40. "cmdS": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_s }},
  41. "tab": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_tab }},
  42. "cmdZ": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_z }},
  43. "cmdY": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_y }},
  44. "cmdI": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_i }},
  45. "cmdB": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_b }},
  46. "cmdU": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_u }},
  47. "cmd5": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_5 }},
  48. "cmdShiftL": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_l }},
  49. "cmdShiftN": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_n }},
  50. "cmdShift1": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_1 }},
  51. "cmdShiftC": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_shift_c }},
  52. "cmdH": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_cmd_h }},
  53. "ctrlHome": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_ctrl_home }},
  54. "pageUp": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_page_up }},
  55. "pageDown": {{ etherpad.pad_shortcut_page_down }}
  56. },
  57. "suppressErrorsInPadText": {{ etherpad.suppress_errors_in_pad_text }},
  58. "requireSession": {{ etherpad.require_session }},
  59. "editOnly": {{ etherpad.edit_only }},
  60. "sessionNoPassword": {{ etherpad.session_no_password }},
  61. "minify": {{ etherpad.minify }},
  62. "maxAge": {{ etherpad.max_age }},
  63. "abiword": {{ etherpad.abiword }},
  64. "soffice": {{ etherpad.soffice }},
  65. "tidyHtml": {{ etherpad.tidyhtml }},
  66. "allowUnknownFileEnds": {{ etherpad.allow_unknown_file_ends }},
  67. "requireAuthentication": {{ etherpad.require_authentication }},
  68. "requireAuthorization": {{ etherpad.require_authorization }},
  69. "trustProxy": {{ etherpad.trust_proxy }},
  70. "disableIPlogging": {{ etherpad.disable_ip_logging }},
  71. "automaticReconnectionTimeout": {{ etherpad.automatic_reconnection_timeout }},
  72. "scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport": {
  73. "percentage": {
  74. "editionAboveViewport": 0,
  75. "editionBelowViewport": 0
  76. },
  77. "duration": 0,
  78. "scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport": false,
  79. "percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp": 0
  80. },
  81. {% if 'ep_table_of_contents' in etherpad.plugins %}
  82. "ep_toc": {
  83. "disable_by_default": {{ etherpad.toc_disable }}
  84. },
  85. {% endif %}
  86. {% if 'ep_auth_author' in etherpad.plugins and etherpad.auth_author_prefix is defined %}
  87. "ep_auth_author": {
  88. "prefix": "{{ etherpad.auth_author_prefix }}"
  89. },
  90. {% endif %}
  91. "users": {
  92. {% for user in etherpad.users %}
  93. "{% if user.auth_author is defined and user.auth_author %}{{ etherpad.auth_author_prefix }}{% endif %}{{ user.name }}": {
  94. "password": "{{ user.password }}",
  95. {% if user.auth_author is defined and user.auth_author %}
  96. "author_name": "{{ user.name }}",
  97. {% endif %}
  98. "is_admin": {{ user.is_admin }}
  99. }{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
  100. {% endfor %}
  101. },
  102. "socketTransportProtocols": {{ etherpad.socket_transport_protocols|to_json }},
  103. "loadTest": false,
  104. "indentationOnNewLine": {{ etherpad.indentation_on_new_line }},
  105. "toolbar": {{ etherpad.toolbar|to_json }},
  106. "exposeVersion": false,
  107. "loglevel": "{{ etherpad.log_level }}",
  108. }