% Technology Sovereignty, Volume #2 % 2017-07-16 15:20-15:40 % maxigas @ hackon, ADM, .nl ## ![](images/barrirack.png) ## *“Consumption cooperatives organise themselves in order to establish direct contact with providers, but then, why don’t people self-organise their technological providers, buying the technological support they need directly from them, like carrots?”* — Margarita Padilla ## *“Food sovereignty is the right of peoples to **healthy and culturally appropriate** food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define own food and agriculture systems. It puts those who **produce**, **distribute**, and **consume** food at the heart of food systems and policies rather than the demands of the market and corporations.”*
— Via Campesina ## TS Genealogy * Via Campesina (1996, 2007): food sovereignty… * Margarita Padilla, Spideralex, etc. * Calafou, Campamento para la autonomía, Trobada de Comunitats, etc. * Barcelona City Council, etc. ## Made in Calafou… ![](images/calafou0.jpg) ## in collaboration with… * Ritimo Foundation, France; * hacklabbo, Italy; * COATI, Europe; * and others. ## Technology Sovereignty #. Temporality: “Taking your time” #. We: “Sovereign” #. Responsibility: Five Ws (Who? What? Where? When? How? How much? Why?) #. Exchange-based: “Immaterial workers” are compensated #. Ecology: Raw materials, labour rights, energy use, etc. ## Book, vol.1 * **Thematic overview** * French, Spanish, Catalan, Italian (new!) * SOLD OUT ## ![](images/cover.png) ## Book, vol.2 * **Case studies** * French, English, Spanish, Catalan, Italian * FORTHCOMING, September 2017 ## ![](images/detail.png) ## Vol.2: Table of Contents * Preface by Margarita Padilla ## Part 1: Initiatives for technology sovereignty * Non-destructive algorithms vs. weapons of math destruction * Rhyzomatica, community mobile phone network * COATI: Simultaneous translation using radio frequencies * Leaking platforms * Collective of alternative, transparent, open, neutral and solidarity service providers (CHATONS) ## Part 2: Developing the characteristics of technology sovereignty * **Encrypting mails with usable tools: Mass adoption of encryption technologies** * *Keeping technological sovereignty: The case of IRC* * Gamification * Appropriate technologies * Technology Sovereignty Cooperatives ## ![](images/digibooks.png) ## Tool chain * Git (git.lattuga.net, 0xacab.org, github, gitlab, …) * Markdown (github flavour) * GitBook + HTML + EPUB + PDF + Plain text repo * DTP version with Scribus * READ IT, SPREAD IT, FORK IT, TRANSLATE IT! ## Libware * Which books there are? * How to get printed copies in different places? * Who is available to speak about the books? * Which events there are? * What resources are there, for instance for presentations? https://gitlab.com/maxigas/libware/ ## MOAR books * [+Kaos: Ten Years Hacking and Media Activism](https://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/kaos-ten-years-of-hacking-and-media-activism/), originally [+Kaos: 10 anni de mediattivismo e hacking](https://www.autistici.org/who/book#) * [Usability in Free Software](http://www.digitigrafo.it/doc/Usability_in_Free_Software/) * [Le Guide de Survie TAILS](https://chouettecouetteblog.wordpress.com/) * Others? ## MOAR repos Everything: * https://sobtec.gitbooks.io/ Alternative repos: * https://github.com/sobteclib/ * https://gitlab.com/sobteclib/ * https://0xacab.org/sobteclib/ Rendered HTML: * https://www.digitigrafo.it/doc/ST/ ## ![](images/livinglab.png) ## Questions? Email address: **maxigas@anargeek.net** Slides URL: **https://slides.metatron.ai/technology-sovereignty-vol2/** Website URL: **https://relay70.metatron.ai/** OpenPGP fingerprint: `FA00 8129 13E9 2617 C614 0901 7879 63BC 287E D166` ## Bibliography