
JOB handling + /api/ namespace

boyska 10 年之前
共有 4 个文件被更改,包括 236 次插入147 次删除
  1. 74 0
  2. 96 79
  3. 65 67
  4. 1 1

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import multiprocessing
+class JobQueue(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=1)
+        self.last_job_id = 0
+        self.jobs = {}  # job_id: AsyncResult
+    def submit(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.last_job_id += 1
+        job_id = self.last_job_id
+        def clean_jobs(res):
+            '''this callback will remove the job from the queue'''
+            del self.jobs[job_id]
+        self.jobs[job_id] = self.pool.apply_async(function, args, kwargs,
+                                                  clean_jobs)
+        return job_id
+    def check_job(self, job_id):
+        '''
+        If the job is running, return the asyncResult.
+        If it has already completed, returns True.
+        If no such job_id exists at all, returns False
+        '''
+        if job_id <= 0:
+            raise ValueError("non-valid job_id")
+        if self.last_job_id < job_id:
+            return False
+        if job_id in self.jobs:
+            return self.jobs[job_id]
+        return True
+    def join(self):
+        self.pool.close()
+        self.pool.join()
+        self.pool = None
+def simulate_long_job(recid=None, starttime=None, endtime=None, name='', filename=None):
+    from time import sleep
+    print "evviva " + name
+    sleep(2)
+    print "lavoro su " + name
+    sleep(2)
+    print "done su " + name
+_queue = None
+def get_process_queue():
+    global _queue
+    if _queue is None:
+        _queue = JobQueue()
+    return _queue
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    from datetime import datetime
+    n = datetime.now()
+    def sleep(n):
+        import time
+        print "Inizio %d" % n
+        time.sleep(n)
+        print "Finisco %d" % n
+        return n
+    get_process_queue().submit(sleep, 3)
+    get_process_queue().submit(sleep, 3)
+    get_process_queue().join()
+    print get_process_queue().jobs
+    delta = (datetime.now() - n).total_seconds()
+    print delta
+    assert 5 < delta < 7

+ 96 - 79

@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-import datetime
+from datetime import datetime
 import logging
+from functools import partial
-from bottle import Bottle, request, static_file, redirect
+from bottle import Bottle, request, static_file, redirect, abort
 from techrec import Rec, RecDB
+from processqueue import get_process_queue, simulate_long_job
 class RecServer:
     def __init__(self):
@@ -17,108 +19,113 @@ class RecServer:
         ### This is the API part of the app
         # TODO: move to namespace /api/
         # TODO: create a "sub-application"
-        self._app.route('/help', callback=self.help)
-        self._app.route('/help/', callback=self.help)
+        self._app.route('/api/help', callback=self.help)
-        self._app.route('/create', method="POST", callback=self.create)
-        # self._app.post('/create', callback=self.create)
+        self._app.route('/api/create', method="POST", callback=self.create)
-        self._app.route('/update', method="POST", callback=self.update)
-        self._app.route('/search', method=["GET", "POST"], callback=self.search)
-        self._app.route('/delete', method="POST", callback=self.delete)
+        self._app.route('/api/update', method="POST", callback=self.update)
+        self._app.route('/api/search', callback=self.search)
+        self._app.route('/api/delete', method="POST", callback=self.delete)
+        self._app.route('/api/jobs', callback=self.running_jobs)
+        self._app.route('/api/jobs/<job_id:int>', callback=self.check_job)
         ## Static part of the site
-                        callback= lambda filepath: static_file(filepath, root='static/'))
+                        callback=lambda filepath: static_file(filepath,
+                                                              root='static/'))
         self._app.route('/', callback=lambda: redirect('/new.html'))
-        self._app.route('/new.html', callback=lambda: static_file('new.html',
-            root='pages/'))
-        self._app.route('/tempo.html', callback=lambda: static_file('tempo.html',
-            root='pages/'))
-    def extsearch( self, args ):
-        print "ARG", args
-        return self.rec_err("EXT")
-    """
-    """
-    # @route('/create', method=['OPTIONS','POST'])
+        self._app.route('/new.html',
+                        callback=partial(static_file, 'new.html',
+                                         root='pages/'))
+        self._app.route('/tempo.html',
+                        callback=partial(static_file, 'tempo.html',
+                                         root='pages/'))
     def create(self):
-        req = dict( request.POST.allitems() )
+        req = dict(request.POST.allitems())
         ret = {}
         print "Server:: Create request %s " % req
         starttime = ""
-        if req["starttime-" + req["recid"]] != "":
-            starttime = datetime.datetime.strptime( req["starttime-"+req["recid"]] , "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
-        endtime =  datetime.datetime.now()
-        if req["endtime-" + req["recid"]] != "":
-            endtime = datetime.datetime.strptime( req["endtime-"+req["recid"]] , "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
-        print "Name %s RECID %s Starttime %s EndTime %s" %(req["name-"+req["recid"]],req["recid"], starttime,endtime )
-        ret = self.db.add( Rec(name=req["name-"+req["recid"]],
-                        recid=req["recid"],
-                        starttime=starttime,
-                        endtime=endtime )
-                    )
+        if req["starttime"] != "":
+            starttime = datetime.strptime(req["starttime"],
+                                          "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
+        endtime = datetime.now()
+        if req["endtime"] != "":
+            endtime = datetime.strptime(req["endtime-"+req["recid"]],
+                                        "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
+        print "Name %s RECID %s Starttime %s EndTime %s" %\
+              (req["name"], req["recid"], starttime, endtime)
+        ret = self.db.add(Rec(name=req["name"],
+                              recid=req["recid"],
+                              starttime=starttime,
+                              endtime=endtime)
+                          )
         return self.rec_msg("Nuova registrazione creata! (id:%d)" % ret.id,
-                id=ret.id)
+                            id=ret.id)
-    # @route('/active')
     def getactive(self):
         print "GetActive"
-    """
-    """
-    # @route('/delete/<recid>') # @route('/delete/<recid>/')
-    def delete( self, recid = None ):
-        req = dict( request.POST.allitems() )
-        logging.info("Server: request delete %s " % ( req ) )
-        if not req.has_key( "recid" ):
+    def delete(self, recid=None):
+        req = dict(request.POST.allitems())
+        logging.info("Server: request delete %s " % (req))
+        if 'recid' not in req:
             return self.rec_err("No valid ID")
-        if self.db.delete( req["recid"] ):
+        if self.db.delete(req["recid"]):
             return self.rec_msg("DELETE OK")
             return self.rec_err("DELETE error: %s" % (self.db.get_err()))
-    """
-    """
-    # @route('/delete/<recid>') # @route('/delete/<recid>/')
-    def update( self ):
-        req  = dict( request.POST.allitems() )
-        ret={}
-        ret["starttime"]    = req ["starttime-"+req["recid"]]
-        ret["endtime"]      = req["endtime-"+req["recid"]]
-        ret["name"]         = req["name-"+req["recid"]]
+    def update(self):
+        req = dict(request.POST.allitems())
-        if self.db.update( req["recid"], ret ):
-            return self.rec_msg("Aggiornamento completato!");
+        ret = {}
+        ret["starttime"] = req["starttime"]
+        ret["endtime"] = req["endtime"]
+        ret["name"] = req["name"]
+        if not self.db.update(req["recid"], ret):
+            return self.rec_err("Errore Aggiornamento")
+        req['filename'] = 'ror-%s-%s' % (req['recid'], req['name'])
+        # TODO: real ffmpeg job!
+        job_id = get_process_queue().submit(simulate_long_job, **req)
+        print "SUBMITTED: %d" % job_id
+        return self.rec_msg("Aggiornamento completato!", job_id=job_id)
+    def check_job(self, job_id):
+        try:
+            job = get_process_queue().check_job(job_id)
+        except ValueError:
+            abort(400, 'job_id not valid')
+        def ret(status):
+            return {'job_status': status, 'job_id': job_id}
+        if job is True:
+            return ret('DONE')
+        if job is False:
+            abort(404, 'No such job has ever been spawned')
-            return self.rec_err("Errore Aggiornamento");
-    """
-    """
-    def rec_msg(self, msg, **kwargs):
-        d = {"message": msg, "status": True}
-        d.update(kwargs)
-        return d
-    def rec_err(self, msg):
-        return {"error": msg, "status": False}
-    """
-     @route('/search') # @route('/search/')  # @route('/search/<key>/<value>')
-    """
-    def search( self, args=None):
+            if job.ready():
+                try:
+                    res = job.get()
+                    return res
+                except Exception as exc:
+                    return ret('FAILED')
+            return ret('WIP')
+    def running_jobs(self):
+        res = {}
+        res['last_job_id'] = get_process_queue().last_job_id
+        res['running'] = get_process_queue().jobs.keys()
+        return res
+    def search(self, args=None):
         if request.method == 'GET':
             req  = dict( request.GET.allitems() )
@@ -172,6 +179,16 @@ class RecServer:
         <h2>/update </h2>\
         <h3>Not implemented.</h3>"
+    def rec_msg(self, msg, **kwargs):
+        d = {"message": msg, "status": True}
+        d.update(kwargs)
+        return d
+    def rec_err(self, msg):
+        return {"error": msg, "status": False}
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     c = RecServer()
     c._app.run(host="localhost", port="8000", debug=True, reloader=True)

+ 65 - 67

@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@ console.log("Loading...");
 function trx_startbut( code )  { return "startbutton-"+code; }
 function trx_stopbut( code )   { return "stopbutton-"+code; }
 function trx_downbut( code )   { return "downloadbutton-"+code; }
-function trx_endbut( code )		 { return "endbutton-"+code; }
+function trx_endbut( code )      { return "endbutton-"+code; }
 function trx_logarea( code )   { return "logarea-"+code; }
 function rs_button( code )     { return "button"+code; }
 function rs_trxarea( code )    { return "recarea-"+code; }
-function rs_trxname( code )    { return "name-"+code; }
+function rs_trxname( code )    { return "name"; }
 function rs_buttonarea( code ) { return "butarea-"+code; }
-function rs_inputstart( code ) { return "starttime-"+code; }
-function rs_inputend( code )   { return "endtime-"+code; }
+function rs_inputstart( code ) { return "starttime"; }
+function rs_inputend( code )   { return "endtime"; }
 function rs_formid(code)       { return "form-"+code; }
-function rs_dellink(code)		{ return "dellink-"+code;}
+function rs_dellink(code)       { return "dellink-"+code;}
 function rs_id(code)           { return code; }
 var txt_start       = "Inizia";
@@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ function rec_active( recid ) {
     request.done( function(data) {
         $.each(data, function(key, val) {
             console.log("Key " + key + " > VAL " + val );
-		    $("#"+trx_logarea( recid )).append( "Key " + key + " > VAL " + val + "<br>"  );
-		});
+            $("#"+trx_logarea( recid )).append( "Key " + key + " > VAL " + val + "<br>"  );
+        });
-    	console.log("Req OK: "+ data);
-	    // console.log("request"+ req);
-    	ChangeState(recid, trx_downbut(recid) , trx_endbut(recid));
+        console.log("Req OK: "+ data);
+        // console.log("request"+ req);
+        ChangeState(recid, trx_downbut(recid) , trx_endbut(recid));
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ function rec_new( )
     var myDate = new Date()
-	console.log("New ID "+ myDate.getTime());
+    console.log("New ID "+ myDate.getTime());
     var recid = "rec-"+ myDate.getTime();
     console.log("[rec_new] New Rec " + recid);
@@ -127,27 +127,27 @@ function rec_new( )
     $("#"+rs_trxarea(recid)).append( "<div id=\""+trx_logarea(recid)+"\" class=\"logarea\"> Nuova trasmissione </div>" );
     // Bind the Delete Links
-	$("#"+rs_dellink(recid)).click(function(){
-		console.log("Remove " + rs_trxarea(recid) + "[ID"+recid+"]");
-		 // $("#"+rs_trxarea(recid)).remove();
-		recDelete (recid,rs_trxarea(recid));
+    $("#"+rs_dellink(recid)).click(function(){
+        console.log("Remove " + rs_trxarea(recid) + "[ID"+recid+"]");
+         // $("#"+rs_trxarea(recid)).remove();
+        recDelete (recid,rs_trxarea(recid));
- 		// Immediately, mark the end time (stop action)
-		ChangeState(recid, trx_downbut(recid) , trx_endbut(recid));
+        // Immediately, mark the end time (stop action)
+        ChangeState(recid, trx_downbut(recid) , trx_endbut(recid));
         // Force a Name
-		while (true) {
-	    	if ( $("#"+rs_trxname(recid)).val() == "" )
-			{
-				var tmpname = prompt("Nessun nome di trasmissione!!!");
-				$("#"+rs_trxname(recid)).val(tmpname);
-				$("#"+trx_logarea(recid)).append("Titolo: <b>"+ tmpname +"</b> <br/>");
-			}
-    		else { break; }
-		}
+        while (true) {
+            if ( $("#"+rs_trxname(recid)).val() == "" )
+            {
+                var tmpname = prompt("Nessun nome di trasmissione!!!");
+                $("#"+rs_trxname(recid)).val(tmpname);
+                $("#"+trx_logarea(recid)).append("Titolo: <b>"+ tmpname +"</b> <br/>");
+            }
+            else { break; }
+        }
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ function rec_new( )
     $("#"+trx_startbut(recid)).click( function(event){
         // Immediately, mark the start time (start action) and send it to Server
-		ChangeState(recid, trx_startbut(recid) , trx_stopbut(recid));
+        ChangeState(recid, trx_startbut(recid) , trx_stopbut(recid));
         recNew( recid );
@@ -216,17 +216,17 @@ function recNew ( recid ) {
     var request = RecAjax("create", dataString);
     request.done( function(data) {
-    	$.each(data, function(key, val) {
-      	    console.log("Received (K:V) ("+key+":"+val+")") ;
-      	    if (key == "msg") {
-    			$("#"+trx_logarea(recid)).html("Nuova Registrazione </br> (recid:"+recid+") </br>");
-    			$("#"+trx_logarea(recid)).append("Inizio: "+ $("#"+rs_inputstart(recid)).val() +"<br/>");
-      	    }
-			if (key == "error") {
-    			$("#"+trx_logarea( recid )).html("Errore: impossibile creare una nuova registrazione"+val+" </ br>");
-      	    }
-		});
+        $.each(data, function(key, val) {
+            console.log("Received (K:V) ("+key+":"+val+")") ;
+            if (key == "msg") {
+                $("#"+trx_logarea(recid)).html("Nuova Registrazione </br> (recid:"+recid+") </br>");
+                $("#"+trx_logarea(recid)).append("Inizio: "+ $("#"+rs_inputstart(recid)).val() +"<br/>");
+            }
+            if (key == "error") {
+                $("#"+trx_logarea( recid )).html("Errore: impossibile creare una nuova registrazione"+val+" </ br>");
+            }
+        });
     } );
     return request;
@@ -240,42 +240,40 @@ function recUpdate( recid  ) {
     var request = RecAjax("update", dataString );
     request.done( function(data) {
-    	$.each(data, function(key, val) {
-          	console.log("recUpdate receive (k:v) ("+key+":"+val+")" );
+        $.each(data, function(key, val) {
+            console.log("recUpdate receive (k:v) ("+key+":"+val+")" );
-          	if (key == "message") {
-          	    var str = "";
-          	    str += "<b>RecID</b> "+ recid + "</br>"
-          	    str += "<b>nome</b> "+ $("#"+rs_trxname(recid)).val() + "</br>"
-          	    str += "<b>Inizio</b> "+ $("#"+rs_inputstart(recid)).val() + "</br>"
-          	    str += "<b>Fine</b> "+ $("#"+rs_inputend(recid)).val() + "</br>"
+            if (key == "message") {
+                var str = "";
+                str += "<b>RecID</b> "+ recid + "</br>"
+                str += "<b>nome</b> "+ $("#"+rs_trxname(recid)).val() + "</br>"
+                str += "<b>Inizio</b> "+ $("#"+rs_inputstart(recid)).val() + "</br>"
+                str += "<b>Fine</b> "+ $("#"+rs_inputend(recid)).val() + "</br>"
-			    $("#"+trx_logarea(recid)).html( str );
+                $("#"+trx_logarea(recid)).html( str );
                 // if all elements have been recorded
                 if ($("#"+rs_trxname(recid)).val() != "") {
                     $("#"+trx_logarea(recid)).append( "<b>In Elaborazione</b>" );
-        	}
+            }
-          	if (key == "error") {
-        		$("#"+trx_logarea( recid )).append( "Error:" + val +"<br>"  );
-		    }
-    	}); // end of each
+            if (key == "error") {
+                $("#"+trx_logarea( recid )).append( "Error:" + val +"<br>"  );
+            }
+        }); // end of each
     }); // end of request.done
 function RecAjax(apipath, dataString ) {
-   	var srv = srvaddr + apipath ;
+    var srv = srvaddr + "api/" + apipath ;
     var request = $.ajax({
         type: "POST",
-		cache: false,
+        cache: false,
         url: srv,
         data: dataString,
         dataType: "json"
@@ -284,25 +282,25 @@ function RecAjax(apipath, dataString ) {
     request.fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
         console.error("The following error occured: "+ jqXHR.status +"-"+ textStatus + "-" + errorThrown );
         if (jqXHR.status == 0 && jqXHR.readyState === 4)
-		{
-			alert("Errore di connessione, impossibile inviare i dati al server "+ srv);
-		} else {
-    	    alert("Error: "+jqXHR.status +"\nTextStatus: "+ textStatus + "\n Ready State "+jqXHR.readyState+"\n" + errorThrown );
-		}
-	});
+        {
+            alert("Errore di connessione, impossibile inviare i dati al server "+ srv);
+        } else {
+            alert("Error: "+jqXHR.status +"\nTextStatus: "+ textStatus + "\n Ready State "+jqXHR.readyState+"\n" + errorThrown );
+        }
+    });
     return request;
- * 	GetNow (data parser)
+ *  GetNow (data parser)
 function getnow()
     var myDate = new Date()
     var displayDate = myDate.getFullYear() + '/' + (myDate.getMonth()+1) + '/' + myDate.getDate();
     displayDate = displayDate +' '+ myDate.getHours()+':'+myDate.getMinutes()+':'+myDate.getSeconds();
-	return displayDate;
+    return displayDate;
@@ -330,9 +328,9 @@ function ChangeState(recid, from, to) {
   if ( from == trx_downbut(recid) ) {
-	$("input[type=submit]").attr("disabled", "disabled");
+    $("input[type=submit]").attr("disabled", "disabled");
     console.log("ChangeState: set '"+rs_inputend(recid)+ "' to "+ displayDate );
 } // End function ChangeState
+// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et:

+ 1 - 1

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
 		function (event) {
 			dataString = $(this).serialize();
-			var request = $.getJSON('/search', dataString);
+			var request = $.getJSON('/api/search', dataString);
 			$("#searchresult").html(" ");
 			request.done( function(data) {