#27 CLI: recreate

vor 2 Jahren geöffnet von boyska · 1 Kommentare
boyska kommentierte vor 2 Jahren

try to create files again. This will overwrite files. This is useful when we detect that there has been glitches, and want to recreate files using the old parameters

try to create files again. This will overwrite files. This is useful when we detect that there has been glitches, and want to recreate files using the old parameters
boyska hat dieses Issue vor 2 Jahren aus einem Commit referenziert
boyska kommentierte vor 2 Jahren

we could even just document a programmatic way of doing that with some simple bash-fu.

Something like:

  • search every non-ready file and give me its id
  • curl -X POST $URL/api/$id/generate
we could even just document a programmatic way of doing that with some simple bash-fu. Something like: - search every non-ready file and give me its `id` - `curl -X POST $URL/api/$id/generate`
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