from datetime import datetime, timedelta def get_timefile_exact(time): ''' time is of type `datetime`; it is not "rounded" to match the real file; that work is done in get_timefile(time) ''' return time.strftime('%Y-%m/%d/rec-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-ror.mp3') def round_timefile(exact): ''' This will round the datetime, so to match the file organization structure ''' return datetime(exact.year, exact.month,, exact.hour) def get_timefile(exact): return get_timefile_exact(round_timefile(exact)) def get_files_and_intervals(start, end, rounder=round_timefile): ''' both arguments are datetime objects returns an iterator whose elements are (filename, start_cut, end_cut) Cuts are expressed in seconds ''' print '%s < %s' % (start, end) if end <= start: raise ValueError("end < start!") while start <= end: begin = rounder(start) start_cut = (start - begin).total_seconds() if end < begin + timedelta(seconds=3599): end_cut = (begin + timedelta(seconds=3599) - end).total_seconds() else: end_cut = 0 yield (begin, start_cut, end_cut) start = begin + timedelta(hours=1) def mp3_join(named_intervals): ''' Note that these are NOT the intervals returned by get_files_and_intervals, as they do not supply a filename, but only a datetime. What we want in input is basically the same thing, but with get_timefile() applied on the first element ''' for (filename, start_cut, end_cut) in named_intervals: pass raise NotImplementedError()