/*global $, config, RecAPI, poll_job*/ //TODO: move to a separate file(?) $.widget("ror.countclock", { options: { errormsg: null, since: null, editable:true, to: null }, _create: function() { "use strict"; this._update(); //TODO: aggiungi conto secondi/minuti passati var widg = this; this.element.on('click', '.countclock-edit-time', function() { if(widg.options.editable === true) { widg._change_starttime(widg.options.since); } }); }, _change_starttime: function ( since ) { "use strict"; var widget = this; time_changer_dialog(since, function(newsince) { widget._trigger("change", null, { since: newsince }) }); }, _setOption: function(key, value) { this.options[key] = value; this._update(); }, _update: function() { "use strict"; var text = ""; if(this.options.since !== null) { if(this.options.to === null) { text = "Registrando da " + config.datetimeformat(this.options.since); } else { text = "Registrando da " + config.datetimeformat(this.options.since) + " a " + config.datetimeformat(this.options.to); this.options.editable = false; } } this.element.text(text); if(this.options.editable) { var btn = $(''); btn.addClass('pure-button pure-button-compact countclock-edit-time'); btn.css('margin-left', '0.5em'); btn.append($('').addClass('fa fa-pencil')); this.element.append(btn); } } }); $.widget("ror.ongoingrec", { options: { rec: null, state: 0, filename: null, /*0 = ongoing, 1 = encoding, 2 = ready to download, 9 = errors*/ }, _create: function() { "use strict"; //convert a Rec into a var widget = this; var rec = this.options.rec; var view = this.element.data('rec', rec).addClass('ongoing-rec').append( $('').addClass('pure-form').append( $('').attr('type', 'text').attr('placeholder', 'Nome trasmissione') ) ).append( $('').countclock()).append( $('').append($('') .addClass('pure-button pure-button-large')) ); this._update(); view.on("change", "input", function(evt) { console.log('change', evt); var prevrec = widget.options.rec; prevrec.name = $(evt.target).val(); $(evt.target).parents('tr.ongoing-rec').data('rec', prevrec); widget._trigger("change", evt, {rec: rec, widget: widget, changed: {name: rec.name}} ); }); view.on("click", ".rec-stop", function(evt) { widget._trigger("stop", evt, {rec: rec, widget: widget}); }); view.on("click", ".rec-failed", function(evt) { $('
			.dialog({modal: true, title: "Dettaglio errori",
							buttons: {
								Retry: function() {
									widget._setOption("state", 0);
									widget._trigger("retry", evt, {rec: rec, widget: widget});
								}, Cancel: function() {

		return view;
	_setOption: function(key, value) {
		this.options[key] = value;
		if(key === 'state') {
			if(value !== 9) {
				this.options.errormsg = null;
			if(value < 2) {
				this.options.filename = null;

        _update: function() {
          var rec = this.options.rec;
          this.element.find(':ror-countclock').countclock("option", "since",
              rec.starttime !== null ? config.date_read(rec.starttime) :
              function(evt, data) {
                count_widg = this;
                console.log(rec.starttime, data.since.getTime() / 1000);
                rec.starttime = data.since.getTime() / 1000;
                RecAPI.update(rec.id, rec).done(
                  function() {
                    $(count_widg).countclock('option', 'since', data.since);

		if(this.options.state > 0) {
			this.element.find(':ror-countclock').countclock("option", "to",
																											rec.endtime !== null ? new Date(rec.endtime*1000) : null
		} else {
			this.element.find(':ror-countclock').countclock("option", "to", null);

			'pure-button-disabled rec-encoding rec-download rec-failed rec-stop');
			switch(this.options.state) {
				case 0:
						$('').addClass('fa fa-stop')).append(' Stop');
				case 1:
					.addClass("pure-button-disabled rec-encoding").html(
						$('').addClass('fa fa-clock-o')).append(' Aspetta');
				case 2:
					.prop('href', this.options.filename)
						$('').addClass('fa fa-download').css('color', 'green'))
						.append(' Scarica');
				case 9:
						$('').addClass('fa fa-warning')).append(' Errori');

function add_new_rec() {
	return RecAPI.create()
	.done(function(res) {
		/*global show_ongoing*/
		//passa alla seconda schermata
	.fail(function() {
		/*global alert*/
		alert("C'e' stato qualche problema nella comunicazione col server");

function gen_rec(rec, widget) {
	"use strict";
	var gen_xhr = RecAPI.generate(rec);
	gen_xhr.done(function(res_gen) {
		widget.option("state", 1);
		poll_job(res_gen.job_id, function(data) {
			if(data.job_status !== 'DONE') {
				console.error("Job failed!", data);
				widget.option("errormsg", "Generation failed");
				widget.option("state", 9);
			} else {
				widget.option("filename", res_gen.result);
				widget.option("state", 2);
	gen_xhr.fail(function(res_gen) {
		var error = JSON.parse(res_gen.responseText).message;
		widget.option("errormsg", error);
		widget.option("state", 9);
	return gen_xhr;

function stop_rec(rec, widget) {
	"use strict";
	var stop_xhr = RecAPI.stop(rec);
	stop_xhr.done(function(res_update) {
		widget.option("rec", res_update.rec);
		return gen_rec(rec, widget);
	stop_xhr.fail(function(res_update) {
		var error = JSON.parse(res_update.responseText).message;
		widget.option("errormsg", error);
		widget.option("state", 9);
	return stop_xhr; //RecAPI.stop

function show_ongoing(ongoing_recs) {
	return ongoing_recs.map(function(rec) {
		var viewrec = $('').ongoingrec({rec: rec});
		viewrec.on("ongoingrecstop", function(evt, data) {
			stop_rec(data.rec, data.widget);
		}).on("ongoingrecretry", function(evt, data) {
			//FIXME: bisognerebbe solo generare, senza stoppare
			gen_rec(data.rec, data.widget);
		}).on("ongoingrecchange", function(evt, data) {
			//TODO: aggiorna nome sul server
			RecAPI.update(data.rec.id, data.rec);
		$('#ongoing-recs-table tbody').prepend(viewrec);
		return viewrec;

$(function() {
	"use strict";
	/*global getKeys*/
	//TODO: get-ongoing
	.done(function(recs) {
		if(getKeys(recs).length !== 0) {
			show_ongoing(getKeys(recs).map(function(id) { console.log(id); return recs[id]; }));

//POLYFILL for Object.keys
function getKeys(obj) {
	var keys = [];
	var key;
	for(key in obj) {
		if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
	return keys;

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