Build with `grunt compile && grunt concat:curve25519` after installing
Enable by either (a) not loading nativeclient.js or (b) setting
`textsecure.NATIVE_CLIENT = false` before loading nativeclient.js.
Since I decided to preen mocha and chai, we can no longer generate the
concat file list from the preen config. We must instead explicitly list
the modules we want to concatenate. I placed this config in bower.json
so that most of the time, we won't need to change the Gruntfile.
Also added a concatenation task for test page dependencies.
To components. Because tab-completion works better when there aren't two
things starting with bower, and shorter names are nicer to deal with in
Set up grunt with tasks for:
* preen - deletes unused files from bower_components, configured in
* concat - concatenates preened bower components, configured
automagically from the preen config
It's worth noting that this setup assumes the order of files within a
package doesn't matter. This is usually true since we often include only
one file from the package.