TextSecure Chromium Implementation ================================== This is very early stuff and exists primarily to get the crypto in place. *This does not currently work, dont bother trying to use it seriously yet* Getting Started with Development ================================ These steps are for **development only**. * Clone the repo * Open Chrome * Go to chrome://extensions/ * Enable developer mode (checkbox on the top right) * Click "Load unpacked extension..." * Point to the repo's directory Note that for development, the TextSecure staging environment uses a self-signed certificate, which Chrome will complain is insecure. So first visit in your browser and allow the certificate. Now, in the extension's options, you can register for TextSecure: * Select "Register" under "I'm new to TextSecure". * Enter a real phone number (Google Voice numbers work too) and country combination and choose to send an SMS. You will receive a real SMS. * Enter the verification code you received by SMS. You should now be able to use the extension. If you need to reset your development environment, open a browser console within the extension options page (or inspect `background.html`) and execute `localStorage.clear()` to clear out the settings. Dependencies ============ **Note**: Unless you need to make changes to dependencies, you can skip this section and just use the checked in versions. Dependencies are managed by [bower](bower.io) and built with [grunt](gruntjs.com). To change them, you'll need to install node and npm, then run `npm install` to install bower, grunt, and related plugins. ### Adding a bower component Add the package name and version to bower.json under 'dependencies' or `bower install package-name --save` Next update the "preen" config in bower.json with the list of files we will actually use from the new package, e.g.: ``` "preen": { "package-name": [ "path/to/main.js", "directory/**/*.js" ], ... } ``` Now, run `grunt` to delete unused package files and concatenate the remaining javascript files into `js-deps/bower_components.js`. Note that packages will be concatenated **in the order** that they are listed in the preen config. Finally, stage and commit changes to bower.json, js-deps/bower_components.js, and bower_components/. The latter should be limited to files we actually use. Tests ===== Please write tests! Our testing framework is [mocha](http://visionmedia.github.io/mocha/) and our assertion library is [chai](http://chaijs.com/api/assert/). To run tests, open `test/index.html` in your browser. Note that * Some tests depend on the native client module. These will fail unless you load the test page from the `chrome-extension://` namespace (as opposed to the `file://` namespace or via a local webserver. * Some tests may read, write or clear localStorage. It is recommended that you create a Chrome user profile just for running tests to avoid clobbering any existing account and message data.