mocha.setup("bdd"); window.assert = chai.assert; describe('MessageView', function() { var message = Whisper.Messages.add({ threadId: 'test-thread', body: 'hello world', type: 'outgoing', timestamp: new Date().getTime() }); describe('#render', function() { var view = new Whisper.MessageView({model: message}); var div = $('
').append(view.render().$el); it('should include the message text', function() { assert.match(view.$el.html(), /hello world/); }); it('should auto-update the message text', function() { message.set('body', 'goodbye world'); assert.match(view.$el.html(), /goodbye world/); }); it('should go away when the model is destroyed', function() { message.destroy(); assert.strictEqual(div.find(view.$el).length, 0); }); }); });