var child_process = require('child_process'); var util = require('util'); module.exports = function(grunt) { 'use strict'; var bower = grunt.file.readJSON('bower.json'); var components = []; for (var i in { components.push('components/' +[i] + '/**/*.js'); } grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), concat: { components: { src: components, dest: 'js/components.js', }, curve25519: { src: [ 'build/curve25519_compiled.js', 'build/curve25519.js', ], dest: 'js/curve25519_compiled.js', options: { banner: ';(function(){\n', footer: '\n})();' } }, webcrypto: { src: [ 'components/cryptojs/src/core.js', 'components/cryptojs/src/sha256.js', 'components/cryptojs/src/hmac.js', 'components/cryptojs/src/enc-base64.js', 'components/cryptojs/src/md5.js', 'components/cryptojs/src/evpkdf.js', 'components/cryptojs/src/cipher-core.js', 'components/cryptojs/src/aes.js', 'build/webcrypto.js' ], dest: 'js/webcrypto.js', options: { banner: ';(function(){\n', footer: '\n})();' } }, test: { src: [ 'components/mocha/mocha.js', 'components/chai/chai.js', 'test/_test.js' ], dest: 'test/test.js', } }, sass: { stylesheets: { files: { 'stylesheets/manifest.css': 'stylesheets/manifest.scss' } } }, compile: { curve25519_compiled: { src_files: [ 'nacl/ed25519/additions/*.c', 'nacl/curve25519-donna.c', 'nacl/ed25519/*.c', 'nacl/ed25519/sha512/sha2big.c' ], methods: [ 'curve25519_donna', 'curve25519_sign', 'curve25519_verify', 'crypto_sign_ed25519_ref10_ge_scalarmult_base', 'sph_sha512_init', 'malloc' ] } }, jshint: { files: ['Gruntfile.js'], // add 'src/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.js' options: { jshintrc: '.jshintrc' }, }, watch: { files: ['<%= jshint.files %>'], tasks: ['jshint'] }, connect: { server: { options: { base: '.', port: 9999 } } }, 'saucelabs-mocha': { all: { options: { urls: [''], build: process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_ID, browsers: [{ browserName: 'chrome', version: '38' }], testname: 'TextSecure-Browser Tests' } } } }); Object.keys(grunt.config.get('pkg').devDependencies).forEach(function(key) { if (/^grunt(?!(-cli)?$)/.test(key)) { // ignore grunt and grunt-cli grunt.loadNpmTasks(key); } }); grunt.registerMultiTask('compile', 'Compile the C libraries with emscripten.', function() { var callback = this.async(); var outfile = 'build/' + + '.js'; var exported_functions = { return "'_" + name + "'"; }); var flags = [ '-O2', '-Qunused-arguments', '-o', outfile, '-Inacl/ed25519/nacl_includes -Inacl/ed25519 -Inacl/ed25519/sha512', '-s', "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=\"[" + exported_functions.join(',') + "]\""]; var command = [].concat('emcc',, flags).join(' '); grunt.log.writeln('Compiling via emscripten to ' + outfile); var exitCode = 0; grunt.verbose.subhead(command); grunt.verbose.writeln(util.format('Expecting exit code %d', exitCode)); var child = child_process.exec(command); child.stdout.on('data', function (d) { grunt.log.write(d); }); child.stderr.on('data', function (d) { grunt.log.error(d); }); child.on('exit', function(code) { if (code !== exitCode) { grunt.log.error(util.format('Exited with code: %d.', code)); return callback(false); } grunt.verbose.ok(util.format('Exited with code: %d.', code)); callback(true); }); }); grunt.registerTask('dev', ['connect', 'watch']); grunt.registerTask('test', ['jshint', 'connect', 'saucelabs-mocha']); grunt.registerTask('default', ['preen', 'concat', 'sass']); grunt.registerTask('build', ['compile', 'concat:curve25519']); };