166 lines
3.9 KiB
166 lines
3.9 KiB
Created on 29-03-2013
@author: citan
import re
class PMParameter(object):
def __init__(self, pid, name, desc, byte_index, bit_index, target):
self._id = pid
self._name = name
self._desc = desc
self._byte_index = byte_index
self._bit_index = bit_index
self._target = target
self._conversions = []
self._dependencies = []
self._parameters = []
self._address = 0
self._address_length = 0
def get_id(self):
return self._id;
def set_address(self, address, length):
self._address = address
self._address_length = length
def get_address(self):
return self._address
def get_address_length(self):
return self._address_length
def get_target(self):
return self._target
def get_name(self):
return self._name
def add_conversion(self, conversion):
def add_dependency(self, dependency):
def get_dependencies(self):
return self._dependencies
def add_parameter(self, parameter):
def get_parameters(self):
return self._parameters
def get_calculated_value(self, packets, unit=None):
value = ""
local_vars = locals()
if len(self._conversions) > 0 and unit == None:
unit = self._conversions[0][0]
for conversion in self._conversions:
currunit = conversion[0]
expr = conversion[1]
value_format = conversion[2]
conversion_map = {}
if unit == currunit:
param_pairs = re.findall(r'\[([^]]*)\]',expr)
for pair in param_pairs:
attributes = pair.split(":")
key = attributes[0]
unit = attributes[1]
expr = expr.replace("[" + key + ":" + unit + "]", key)
param_no = 0
for packet in packets:
param = self._parameters[param_no];
if param.get_id() in conversion_map:
conversion_unit = conversion_map[param.get_id()]
conversion_unit = None
value = param.get_value(packet, conversion_unit);
local_vars[param.get_id()] = float(value)
param_no += 1
value = eval(expr)
value = 0.0
format_tokens = value_format.split(".")
output_format = "%.0f"
if len(format_tokens) > 1:
output_format = "%." + str(len(format_tokens[1])) + "f"
value = output_format % value
return value
def get_value(self, packet, unit=None):
value = ""
if len(self._conversions) > 0 and unit == None:
unit = self._conversions[0][0]
for conversion in self._conversions:
currunit = conversion[0]
expr = conversion[1]
value_format = conversion[2]
if unit == currunit:
# ignore 0xe8
index = 1
x = 0
value_bytes = packet.get_data()[index:index + self._address_length]
if self._address_length == 1:
x = value_bytes[0]
if self._address_length == 2:
x = (value_bytes[0] << 8) | value_bytes[1]
x = float(x)
value = eval(expr)
value = 0.0
format_tokens = value_format.split(".")
output_format = "%.0f"
if len(format_tokens) > 1:
output_format = "%." + str(len(format_tokens[1])) + "f"
value = output_format % value
return value
def get_default_unit(self):
if len(self._conversions) > 0:
return self._conversions[0][0]
return ""
def is_supported(self, data):
if self._byte_index != "none" and self._bit_index != "none" and len(data) > self._byte_index:
cubyte = data[self._byte_index]
bitmask = 1 << self._bit_index
return cubyte & bitmask == bitmask
return False
def to_string(self):
return "Param: id=" + self._id + ", name=" + self._name + ", desc=" + self._desc + ", byte=" + str(self._byte_index) + \
", bit=" + str(self._bit_index) + ", target=" + str(self._target) + ", conversions=" + '[%s]' % ', '.join(map(str, self._conversions)) + \
", address=" + hex(self._address) + "[" + str(self._address_length) + "]"