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Serial interface test from UEDan

Serial interface test from UEDan
Mehmet Akif 3 years ago
1 changed files with 241 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 241 0

+ 241 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
+int inVal = 0;
+int selMode = 1;
+int ECUbytes[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+//4th byte is # of packets you idiot.
+//double check checksum byte you jackass.
+byte ReqData[31] = {128,16,240,26,168,0,0,0,16,0,0,19,0,0,70,0,1,33,0,0,100,2,9,199,2,1,104,0,0,20,130}; // add throttle
+byte ReqDataSize = 31;
+unsigned long prvTime;
+unsigned long curTime;
+int milli;
+double milesPerHour;
+double airFuelR;
+double airFlowG;
+double milesPerGallon;
+//Rx/Tx pins used for SSM
+SoftwareSerial sendSerial = SoftwareSerial(10, 11); //Rx, Tx
+void setup() {
+  pinMode(12, INPUT);
+  //Setup Start
+  Serial.begin(115200); //for diagnostics
+  Serial.println("Serial Started");
+    while (!Serial) {
+      // wait
+    }
+  Serial.println("starting SSM Serial");
+  sendSerial.begin(4800); //SSM uses 4800 8N1 baud rate
+    while (!sendSerial) {
+      //wait
+      delay(50);
+  }
+  Serial.println("Ready!");
+  delay(50);
+//  writeSSM(ReqData, ReqDataSize, sendSerial); //send intial SSM poll
+  delay (2);
+void loop() {
+  inVal = digitalRead(12);
+  if (inVal == 0) {
+    if (selMode == 10) {
+      selMode = 0;
+    }
+    selMode++;
+    //Serial.println("Mode plus");
+    //printMode(selMode);
+    delay(500);
+  }
+  */
+curTime = millis();
+milli=curTime - prvTime; 
+if (milli > 250) {
+  sendSerial.flush();
+  //delay(5);
+//  Serial.print("SentTime:");
+//  Serial.println(milli);
+  writeSSM(ReqData, ReqDataSize, sendSerial);
+  //Serial.print("Timer Popped | ");
+  //Serial.println(sendSerial.available());
+  prvTime=millis();
+  }
+  if (sendSerial.available()) {  
+    readECU(ECUbytes, 8, false);
+    prvTime = curTime;
+    milesPerHour = (ECUbytes[0] * 0.621371192); //P9 0x000010
+    airFuelR = ((ECUbytes[2] / 128.00) * 14.7);  //P58 0x000046
+    airFlowG = (((ECUbytes[1] * 256.00) + ECUbytes[7]) / 100.00); //P12 0x000013 and 0x000014
+    milesPerGallon = (milesPerHour/3600.00)/(airFlowG/(airFuelR)/2800.00);
+    Serial.print("MPH:");
+    Serial.print(milesPerHour, 0);
+    Serial.print(" | ");
+    Serial.print("Mass airflow/s:");
+    Serial.print(airFlowG);
+    Serial.print(" | ");
+    Serial.print("AFR: ");
+    Serial.print(airFuelR);
+    Serial.print(" | ");
+    Serial.print("MPG:");
+    Serial.print(milesPerGallon);
+    Serial.print(" | ");
+    Serial.print("Cruise:"); //0x000121
+    Serial.print(ECUbytes[3], BIN);
+    Serial.print(" | ");
+    Serial.print("Defogger:");
+    Serial.print(ECUbytes[4], BIN); //0x000064
+    Serial.print(" | ");
+    Serial.print("Gear:"); //0x0209C7
+    Serial.print(ECUbytes[5]);
+    Serial.print(" | ");
+    Serial.print("IAM:"); //0x020168
+    Serial.println(ECUbytes[6]);
+    }
+void printMode(int selMode) {
+  switch (selMode)
+  {
+    case 1:
+      Serial.print("This is case 1 mode ");
+      Serial.println(selMode);
+      digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      Serial.print("This is case 2 mode ");
+      Serial.println(selMode);
+      digitalWrite(13, LOW);
+      break;
+    case 3 ... 5:
+      Serial.print("This is case 3 to 5 mode ");
+      Serial.println(selMode);
+      digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
+      break;
+    case 6 ... 9:
+      Serial.print("This is case 6 to 9 mode ");
+      Serial.println(selMode);
+      digitalWrite(13, LOW);
+      break;
+    case 10:
+      Serial.print("This is case 10 mode ");
+      Serial.println(selMode);
+      digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
+  }
+/* returns the 8 least significant bits of an input byte*/
+byte CheckSum(byte sum) {
+  byte counter = 0;
+  byte power = 1;
+  for (byte n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
+    counter += bitRead(sum, n) * power;
+    power = power * 2;
+  }
+  return counter;
+/*writes data over the software serial port
+the &digiSerial passes a reference to the external
+object so that we can control it outside of the function*/
+void writeSSM(byte data[], byte length, SoftwareSerial &digiSerial) {
+  //Serial.println(F("Sending packet... "));
+  for (byte x = 0; x < length; x++) {
+    digiSerial.write(data[x]);
+  }
+  //Serial.println(F("done sending."));
+//this will change the values in dataArray, populating them with values respective of the poll array address calls
+boolean readECU(int* dataArray, byte dataArrayLength, boolean nonZeroes)
+  byte data = 0;
+  boolean isPacket = false;
+  byte sumBytes = 0;
+  byte checkSumByte = 0;
+  byte dataSize = 0;
+  byte bytePlace = 0;
+  byte zeroesLoopSpot = 0;
+  byte loopLength = 20;
+  for (byte j = 0; j < loopLength; j++)
+  {
+    data =;
+    delay(2);
+    if (data == 128 && dataSize == 0) { //0x80 or 128 marks the beginning of a packet
+      isPacket = true;
+      j = 0;
+      //Serial.println("Begin Packet");
+    }
+    //terminate function and return false if no response is detected
+    if (j == (loopLength - 1) && isPacket != true)
+    {
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (isPacket == true && data != -1) {
+      Serial.print(data); // for debugging: shows in-packet data
+      Serial.print(" ");
+      if (bytePlace == 3) { // how much data is coming
+        dataSize = data;
+        loopLength = data + 6;
+      }
+      if (bytePlace > 4 && bytePlace - 5 < dataArrayLength && nonZeroes == false)
+      {
+        dataArray[bytePlace - 5] = data;
+      }
+      else if (bytePlace > 4 && zeroesLoopSpot < dataArrayLength / 2 && nonZeroes == true && data != 0 && bytePlace < dataSize + 4)
+      {
+        dataArray[zeroesLoopSpot] = data;
+        dataArray[zeroesLoopSpot + (dataArrayLength / 2)] = bytePlace;
+        zeroesLoopSpot++;
+      }
+      bytePlace += 1; //increment bytePlace
+      //once the data is all recieved, checksum and re-set counters
+     // Serial.print("byte place: ");
+     // Serial.println(bytePlace);
+      if (bytePlace == dataSize + 5) {
+        checkSumByte = CheckSum(sumBytes);  //the 8 least significant bits of sumBytes
+        if (data != checkSumByte) {
+          Serial.println(F("checksum error"));
+          return false;
+        }
+//        Serial.println("Checksum is good");
+        isPacket = false;
+        sumBytes = 0;
+        bytePlace = 0;
+        checkSumByte = 0;
+        dataSize = 0;
+        return true;
+      }
+      else {
+        sumBytes += data; // this is to compare with the checksum byte
+        //Serial.print(F("sum: "));
+        //Serial.println(sumBytes);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Serial.println("");