2017-01-25 19:14:20 +01:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<changeSet id= "1" author= "moxie" >
<createTable tableName= "messages" >
<column name= "id" type= "bigint" autoIncrement= "true" >
<constraints primaryKey= "true" nullable= "false" />
<column name= "type" type= "tinyint" >
<constraints nullable= "false" />
<column name= "relay" type= "text" >
<constraints nullable= "false" />
<column name= "timestamp" type= "bigint" >
<constraints nullable= "false" />
<column name= "source" type= "text" >
<constraints nullable= "false" />
<column name= "source_device" type= "int" >
<constraints nullable= "false" />
<column name= "destination" type= "text" >
<constraints nullable= "false" />
<column name= "destination_device" type= "int" >
<constraints nullable= "false" />
<column name= "message" type= "bytea" >
<constraints nullable= "false" />
2017-06-29 11:18:48 +02:00
<column name= "account_id" type= "bigint" >
<constraints nullable= "false" />
<column name= "device_id" type= "bigint" >
<constraints nullable= "false" />
<column name= "encrypted_message" type= "text" >
<constraints nullable= "false" />
2017-01-25 19:14:20 +01:00
<createIndex tableName= "messages" indexName= "destination_index" >
<column name= "destination" > </column>
<column name= "destination_device" > </column>
<createIndex tableName= "messages" indexName= "destination_and_type_index" >
<column name= "destination" > </column>
<column name= "destination_device" > </column>
<column name= "type" > </column>
2017-06-29 11:18:48 +02:00
<createIndex tableName= "messages" indexName= "messages_account_and_device" >
<column name= "account_id" />
<column name= "device_id" />
2017-01-25 19:14:20 +01:00
<changeSet id= "2" author= "moxie" >
<addColumn tableName= "messages" >
<column name= "content" type= "bytea" />
<dropNotNullConstraint tableName= "messages" columnName= "message" />
<changeSet id= "3" author= "moxie" >
<sql > CREATE RULE bounded_message_queue AS ON INSERT TO messages DO ALSO DELETE FROM messages WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM messages WHERE destination = NEW.destination AND destination_device = NEW.destination_device ORDER BY timestamp DESC OFFSET 5000);</sql>
<changeSet id= "4" author= "moxie" >
<sql > DROP RULE bounded_message_queue ON messages;</sql>
<sql > CREATE RULE bounded_message_queue AS ON INSERT TO messages DO ALSO DELETE FROM messages WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM messages WHERE destination = NEW.destination AND destination_device = NEW.destination_device ORDER BY timestamp DESC OFFSET 1000);</sql>