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  122. Internet, mon amour\\[0.8\baselineskip]
  123. \textcopyright 2018 C.I.R.C.E. % mod \textcopyright{}
  124. \textcopyright 2019 Agnese Trocchi% mod \textcopyright{}
  125. \textcopyright 2020 Agnese Trocchi - English translation% mod \textcopyright{}
  126. Originally published 2019 - Italian
  127. Graphics by C.I.R.C.E.\\[0.8\baselineskip]
  128. \url{https://ima.circex.org}
  129. \url{info@circex.org}\\[0.8\baselineskip]
  130. ISBN cartaceo: 978-88-5526-305-4\\
  131. Ledizioni LediPublishing\\
  132. Via Alamanni 11 – 20141 Milano – Italy\\
  133. \url{www.ledizioni.it} - \url{info@ledizioni.it}\\[0.8\baselineskip]
  134. \includegraphics{./00-titolo_etc/by-nc-sa.png}
  135. This text has been released under Creative Commons
  136. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. \\
  137. To read a copy of the licence:
  138. \url{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/} \\ or send an e-mail to:
  139. Creative Commons,
  140. PO Box 1866, Mountain View,
  141. CA 94042, USA
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  156. \decoone
  157. cover image: graphic rework from Karen Watson
  158. Anatomical Heart Images
  159. from a Vintage Circa 1884 Science Book,
  160. \url{https://thegraphicsfairy.com}
  161. \vspace{1cm}
  162. \decoone
  163. first edition --- 200 copies \\
  164. Cover paper Favini Shiro Eco White FSC~---~100\% recycled 250 gr. \\
  165. Inside pages paper Musa Green 1.6 FSC 80 gr. \\
  166. printed in September 2020 \\
  167. at Geca~srl~---~San Giuliano Milanese (Milano)
  168. \end{minipage}
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  170. \author{Agnese Trocchi}
  171. \title{Internet mon amour}