The container version is made of 3 containers a valkey/redis container a celery worker backend and the django app as frontend.
The django apps invokes the worker via celery through valkey, the worker executes the privileged operations on the wireguard interfaces, the celery worker container ha **NET_ADMIN** capability and lives in the **host network**
there's a sample compose file `compose.yaml`.
### first prepare the environment
in `wg_manager` dir
create your own ``:
from .settings_dist import *
# your customization here
or simply make a symbolic link:
ln -s
copy `.env-dist` and create your own `.env` set the variable `WG_INTERFACE` according to the name of the wg interface you want to manage
### star the service
you can start the service running:
docker compose up
The you can connect to the web interface on []( default superuser credentials are:
* user: admin
* password: admin
you can import existing wireguard peer by visiting the `/sync` url [](
Remember that the db insiede the container get destroyed every time the container get destroyed.
You can mount the db as a volume by adding the db as volume in the `wg-manager` service: