'Europe/Madrid','en'=>'Europe/London','es'=>'Europe/Madrid','fr'=>'Europe/Paris','it'=>'Europe/Rome'); date_default_timezone_set($dtzbl[$dlang]);*/ $debug=''; $debug.='REQUEST_URI: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].N; $debug.='$_GET: '.print_r($_GET,1); $debug.='LOCALE: '.$locale.N; // an instance is displayed as "New" if its age, relative to the InsertTS field, is less or equal than this (currently 31 days) $oldline=31*24*60*60; // an instance is considered dead if the last time it responded is before the graceline (see code below) // $gracetime is defined in mustard/include/gracetime.php $graceline=time()-$gracetime; if (array_key_exists('id',$_GET) && preg_match('/^\d+$/',$_GET['id'])) { $_GET['id']+=0; $single=true; } else { $single=false; } //$getc=count($_GET); //forzo $getc a 1 per non mostrare mai la spiega di come funziona il motore di ricerca $getc=1; if (array_key_exists('advc',$_GET)) { ($_GET['advc']=='1') ? $_GET['advc']=1 : $_GET['advc']=0; } else { $_GET['advc']=0; } $minudef=10; $minumax=10000000000; $maxudef=30000; $maxumax=10000000000; $minaudef=10; $minaumax=10000000; echo('