__("This option is useful when you are reading several planet-type aggregators with partially colliding userbase. When disabled, it forces same posts from different feeds to appear only once.");
__("Default interval between feed updates (in minutes)");
__("Enable e-mail digest");
__("This option enables sending daily digest of new (and unread) headlines on your configured e-mail address");
__("Purge old posts after this number of days (0 - disables)");
__("Update post on checksum change");
__("Combined feed display");
__("Display expanded list of feed articles, instead of separate displays for headlines and article content");
__("When auto-detecting tags in articles these tags will not be applied (comma-separated list).");
__("Confirm marking feed as read");
__("Enable icons in feedlist");
__("Enable labels");
__("Experimental support for virtual feeds based on user crafted SQL queries. This feature is highly experimental and at this point not user friendly. Use with caution.");
__("Long date format");
__("Set articles as unread on update");
__("Short date format");
__("Show additional information in feedlist");
__("Strip unsafe tags from articles");
__("Strip all but most common HTML tags when reading articles.");
__("Use more accessible date/time format for headlines");