6 Commits 65a6d413cb ... dba3dfcfb8

Author SHA1 Message Date
  boyska dba3dfcfb8 Merge branch 'ci' 7 months ago
  boyska f1eeb26ff8 verdaccio urls point to localhost, which is dumb 7 months ago
  boyska 40b45782f2 workaround localhost (verdaccio) resolved urls in package-lock.json 7 months ago
  boyska 46ba0b69b5 more recent node 7 months ago
  boyska 468b9a3dc1 debug node version 7 months ago
  boyska 3c865723f9 Update .gitlab-ci.yml file 7 months ago
2 changed files with 33 additions and 132 deletions
  1. 33 0
  2. 0 132

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This file is a template, and might need editing before it works on your project.
+# This is a sample GitLab CI/CD configuration file that should run without any modifications.
+# It demonstrates a basic 3 stage CI/CD pipeline. Instead of real tests or scripts,
+# it uses echo commands to simulate the pipeline execution.
+# A pipeline is composed of independent jobs that run scripts, grouped into stages.
+# Stages run in sequential order, but jobs within stages run in parallel.
+# For more information, see: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/index.html#stages
+# You can copy and paste this template into a new `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
+# You should not add this template to an existing `.gitlab-ci.yml` file by using the `include:` keyword.
+# To contribute improvements to CI/CD templates, please follow the Development guide at:
+# https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/cicd/templates.html
+# This specific template is located at:
+# https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Getting-Started.gitlab-ci.yml
+stages:          # List of stages for jobs, and their order of execution
+  - build
+#  - test
+#  - deploy
+build-job:       # This job runs in the build stage, which runs first.
+  stage: build
+  image: node:20-alpine
+  script:
+    - node --version
+    - npm version
+    - npm install
+    - npm run build

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 132

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff