81 lines
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81 lines
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Characters are (by default) Objects setup to be puppeted by Accounts.
They are what you "see" in game. The Character class in this module
is setup to be the "default" character type created by the default
creation commands.
from evennia import DefaultCharacter
from evennia.utils import inherits_from
from typeclasses import rooms
from typeclasses.exits import Exit
from utils.utils import has_tag, has_effect, has_effect_in
class Character(DefaultCharacter):
The Character defaults to reimplementing some of base Object's hook methods with the
following functionality:
at_basetype_setup - always assigns the DefaultCmdSet to this object type
(important!)sets locks so character cannot be picked up
and its commands only be called by itself, not anyone else.
(to change things, use at_object_creation() instead).
at_after_move(source_location) - Launches the "look" command after every move.
at_post_unpuppet(account) - when Account disconnects from the Character, we
store the current location in the pre_logout_location Attribute and
move it to a None-location so the "unpuppeted" character
object does not need to stay on grid. Echoes "Account has disconnected"
to the room.
at_pre_puppet - Just before Account re-connects, retrieves the character's
pre_logout_location Attribute and move it back on the grid.
at_post_puppet - Echoes "AccountName has entered the game" to the room.
def at_object_creation(self):
self.db.desc = "A human being."
self.db.health = 1
self.db.mana = 1
self.db.strength = 1
self.db.agility = 1
self.db.intellect = 1
self.db.equipment = {
'head': None,
'torso': None,
'legs': None,
'right hand': None,
'left hand': None,
'foot': None
self.db.spells = []
self.db.recipes = []
self.db.current_action = None
def get_health(self):
return self.db.health
def get_mana(self):
return self.db.mana
def get_abilities(self):
return self.db.strength, self.db.agility, self.db.intellect
def at_look(self, target, **kwargs):
description = super().at_look(target, **kwargs)
# You can't see things in room if it's dark.
if inherits_from(self.location, rooms.IndoorRoom):
if not self.is_superuser and not self.location.db.is_lit and \
not (inherits_from(target, rooms.Room) or inherits_from(target, Exit)):
description = "Could not find '{}'.".format(target.name)
return description