2017-06-07 10:44:06 +02:00

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#6.11 Call for testing
Involving other people in testing helps in getting a wider array of user insights but at the same time needs to be coordinated correctly. Set up a page describing what you want to test, how to set everything up and introduce people to 6.10 Watch people use the software.
Ideally you should form a user experience team comprised of people interested in research and design. There you can have the same tasks for all interviews and compile the issues easier.
I urge you all to show Diaspora to friends and family without explaining any functions and watch them while they use it. Make note of any problems they have while interacting with the site. Watch what they do, disregard what they say (no design advice). You just did an usability test.
Me in a thread on Diaspora. 1 July 2011
Canonical also did some distributed user testing for Ubuntu. A central person or team responsible for analyzing the results is needed to compile recommendations based on severity. They provide instructions on how to set up the test, how to conduct it and how to report the results. More information on their wiki.