Unless the class `concat::setup` has been manually included into the
manifest before using the `concat` / `concat::fragment` defined types,
the puppet master will generate this warning while compiling the catalog.
Tue Oct 15 14:05:06 -0700 2013 Scope(Concat[/etc/exports]) (warning):
Could not look up qualified variable 'concat::setup::root_group'; class
concat::setup has not been evaluated
The need to `include concat::setup` directly into the manifest has never
been part of the documented API.
Using the case statement does not properly notify the file resource about
changes, leading to unexpected results when generating fragments from Puppet
templates. This patch fixes that issue.
* ./manifests/init.pp - WARNING: ensure found on line but it's not the first attribute on line 222
* ./manifests/setup.pp - WARNING: selector inside resource block on line 34
* ./manifests/fragment.pp - WARNING: case statement without a default case on line 28
To be able to use the module as an unprivileged user we need to
adjust certain things:
* only enforce the run user and group if we are root and can
actually change the user
* set owner/group of our files and directories to our own user/group
* place the concat script in a location we can write -> use the
concat dir for that.
The concat warn parameter can now be any string (and needs to include
the appropriate commenting character) and will then override the default
(which still gets printed when warn=>true).
Signed-off-by: martin f. krafft <madduck@madduck.net>